Chapter 103: The Happiest Day

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Ciel's POV

"Mama, I thought you might want these." Eliza places some freshly cut white roses into the array of navy roses, standing out in a sea of blue petals.

"Did you take these from the garden?" I teasingly jab, playfully poking her arm. Her giggles washing away my worries about what it to come in the next few minutes.


"Did you get Daddy's permission?" Even thinking about him is making my palms sweaty.

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" She exclaims, holding a basket of white and blue rose petals in her hands.

"I'm sure he'll love it, sweetheart." I truly am as I take my place at Elizabeth's side. Sliding my arm around hers as though she were my Father.

Eliza's piano cue sounds, causing her to blow a kiss goodbye before disappearing through royal blue curtains. Swallowed by their looming darkness. All that is audible to me is her song, her time to shine as my child. My flower girl.

"You look nervous, are you feeling alright?" Elizabeth inquires in a rather nervous tone, possibly projecting a little. Although I am nervous, I know that only Sebastian would be able to notice. I've had years of hiding how I feel behind a faux calm that there is simply no way for her to notice. She never used to.

"I'm just as nervous as you are, this is the first time I have celebrated this day since I was ten years old."

Her expression turns to one of melancholy as her eyes fall to her feet. "I'm sure Rachael is smiling down on you today. She would have been so happy to see you marry."

My eyes drift to the corridor I feel her in the most. Her warmth. In moments of silence, her presence is forever circling in these walls of mine. Her heart residing in these halls, dancing even in death.

"She would have been happy to see me happy, that's all she ever needed."

"It's all both of them needed. It's all I need." Her arms wrap around my shoulders, trying not to tread on either one of our dresses as she leans against me slightly. Holding me close.

"Thank you, Lizzie. For everything you have ever done for me."

"No, please don't thank me Ciel. I'm your sister...well, I'm as close to one as anyone could ever be. You helped me through the darkest moment of my life, so let me help you through your brightest." She steps back, holding out her arm for me to take, tears shining in her eyes. Smiling. Rachael's smile reflected in her's. "Are you ready?"

The wedding march begins to swell as the room behind the curtain grows silent.


"As ready as I'll ever be."
Sebastian's POV

My false heart skips a beat as this gorgeous creature steps out from behind the curtain. Watching intently. Every intricate detail burned into my memory.

White lace hugging his every curve in a style I have never seen before. Ruffles at his feet and a keyhole at his décolletage. A sliver of breast visible. I'm

The surprise on his face is immediate as he stares at the crowd around him. The village he represents. His people, sitting here, endorsing our marriage.

Here to support him wholeheartedly.

To keep his secret.

Tears pool in his exposed eye as his gaze meets mine, shaking from the overwhelming emotions swirling around within his mind.

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