Chapter 12: Recognition

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Ever since my daunting revelation, I have thought of nothing else but Sebastian. Every hour I'm alone without him my thoughts cloud my mind and every time I see him, I brighten up like a Christmas tree. Although, ever since I decided to show kindness towards him, that's exactly how I've acted. I just never realised that my thoughts were linked to a love so much stronger than a friendship.

I never thought I'd fall in love. I never wanted to fall in love. I pitied the fools who did. I used to believe that love was nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain triggered by animalistic desires. I believed I was above that.

What a foolish child I was. Digging myself a deeper hole until I was consumed by the darkness that it would bring.

My life was an empty, power struggle between a demon and his contractor. Neither was happy with the other but there was always a connection. Our ideologies were so similar that when he tutored me on morality, it became a deep intellectual discussion that only ended due to the fact that I required lunch.

I took that man for granted, the conditions with which we met will forever haunt me, but I will never forget when he bowed. Gazing straight into my dulled, sorrowful eyes.

Once I became familiar with him, he became a friendly enemy. A demon who only desired my soul and nothing else in the entire world. Granted, he still is, but he's certainly so much more.

Then as I grew into my teenage years, my feelings began to bloom. It started out small. Noticing the little things he does for me. The smile that reached his eyes. The corny and sarcastic jokes. His signature phrase and smirk. The way he exchanged playful banter between us. The way in which he became so fixated on serving my dinner at the same time each night that it grew into something akin to an obsession. And the way he tries to introduce new aspects of work as simply as possible without making me feel like a fool, which is, and was a difficult task when factoring in my strong sense of pride.

Sebastian has done so much more for me than what his job requires and it took me eight years to realise it. And it took me six of those years to realise that my feelings were simply more than familiarity.

And now, all I see as Sebastian walks through that office door, is the intelligent, caring man I've grown to love.

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