Chapter 52: Nightmares

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We're right back to Ciel!

I awaken to the sounds of screaming. A sound I know all too well. My heart begins to race in my chest, trying to burst it's way out as my stomach falls to the floor. My body turning to stone. Sebastian ran to check on our children but...he left me here.

Where I can no longer move.

I remember the frantic grasping of shirts, the sweat dripping down my face-

I need Sebastian.


I couldn't stop it. This feeling of mine. I couldn't stop the images flowing through my mind, slowly turning me to madness.

I couldn't stop the screaming.

Shrieking fills my chambers. Takes the air from my lungs all in one grotesquely painful scream that uncovers the memory I never wanted to remember.

The night that I became "impure"

I can see it all over again. The cultists gathered in a circle around me. Touching me with disgusting hands and defiling my being with objects that I can never unsee.

Sodomising me.

"I'm here, you're safe now. You are no longer trapped in the cage. I will protect you, call my name."

That soft voice pulls me towards reality as I cling to the figure for dear life. Begging for his touch. His warmth.


"My beautiful little kitten, come back to me. Come back to your Queen~"

"I-I'm scared..."

"My darling, it's alright now. The things you have witnessed are not happening now. You are safe with me here. Trust me, my Lord."

Trust him.

"Oh Sebastian!" The rush of memories turn to an explosion of tears as I finally transition from fear to after-shock.

"It's alright sweetheart, you're too exhausted to process this right now. Eliza is alright too, she had a nightmare about her abuser. I feel that she may need therapy, just like you do."

"Right now...right now I umm...I want to see her...she must be shaking..."
Sebastian's POV

My lover stands before me, shaken to his very core. Tears still rolling down his rose red cheeks. And yet, all he can think about is how our child must be feeling.

A truly loving "Mother."

"My dear, of course you can. Though, before we do, I hope you let me help you calm down."

"How-?" I interrupt his oncoming train of thought with a kiss that causes him to lose his balance, nearly falling to the floor and yet he doesn't do so much as flinch. For he knows cannot be harmed in my care. His trust in me is too strong for fear.

As the eyes of my fiancé flutter open, I feel a wave of emotions course through this body of mine. But most of them could wait until later, until my pretty little Lord rests and finds himself feeling...energised.

"That...that works." Even the stuttering that breathlessness brings him is utterly charming.

"I was sure of it." I find myself unable to look away from those eyes that hold constellations within them as I gently wipe the trail of tears from those dazzling cheeks.

I receive a smile of sorts as we begin to venture out of the bedroom only to find our children moving towards us.

"W-We couldn't find your room-" Eliza stumbles over her words as she hurriedly bumps into Ciel, tackling him into a hug.

"Hey, it's alright. You're alright." He coos as his sleek fingers gently comb brunette hair. Trying his best to stay upright in her tight grasp, only able to balance after I support him with my hand on the small of his back as I attempt to comfort the slate haired boy wrapped around my leg.

"Can we stay with you?" She asks urgently, squeezing my Lord a bit too tightly for my liking, but the child is terrified.

I can excuse it this time.

"That's actually what we were coming to do. Come on, the bed is big enough for the four of us." A more maternal, caring tone shines through in the voice of my little angel as he takes his daughter's hand in his, holding it as though it were the most precious thing he could ever have.

Though, I begin to feel a gentle tug on my trouser leg as Astre raises his hands up to me. Begging to be held in my arms, to which I whole heartedly accept.

"How are you sweetheart?" I ask the little boy cradled fondly in my arms.

"Shleepy..." Is all he could reply as the poor child began to yawn, nuzzling into me for warmth.

"We're going to bed, okay?"

"Okie..." We lead the adorable children to our own bed, allowing them to choose which one of  us they wanted to cuddle into.

But they couldn't decide.

They both wanted to be with their Mother.

Like the traitors they are.

Leaving me to press Ciel up against me as he holds both Eliza and Astre in his comforting arms. Having gotten the warm hug he wished for from them, able to have my own arms holding my darling partner.

And there is no where I would rather be.

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