Chapter 35: Out On The Town

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That's how I spent my morning. Screaming at Sebastian for forcing me into a corset that clearly wasn't required almost six years prior.

The worst thing about it was that Sebastian has been adjusting the length as I've grown.

That demonic bastard has been dying to slip me into gowns since the first time I wore one. It makes me want to go back to that day at the hotel and complain about how uncomfortable that dress was.

The hardest part that I must face is that...this dress is incredibly comfortable.

Damn him to Hell.

"Oh Ciel, you're so cute!" Elizabeth nearly squeals as she used to, simply at the sight of me as I make my way down the stairs.

The striped gown trails upon every step, the bodice hugging my waist as my hands gently lift the front of my dress up, trying my hardest not to fall down the stairs.

That's when Sebastian appears at my side, holding his arm out for me to hold, but it didn't spawn what he hoped. At least...what I hoped that he was hoping.

"Hello pervert." The look on the demon's face is priceless to say the least.

"Hello Princess."

"I should smite you where you stand."

"I know that I worship you as though you were a God but I don't think that you physically are one."


"That's your favourite word, isn't it?"

"Shut up-"

"And that's your favourite phrase."

"Sebastian, I swear to Satan I will spank you."



"Is it kinky now Michaelis?"

"How did you get so strong?!"

"Don't test my hand again."

"Yes, my Lord."

"You haven't said that phrase in a while."

"It's a reflex nowadays."

"I miss it. Terribly." The look he gives me tells me of his thoughts on the matter. He'll probably use the phrase more often now. And this won't be impersonal.

"Are you lovers ready to go?" The term 'lover' still shocks me to my core even though I have one...I usually prefer to call him my partner.

"Yes we are Sullivan." Sebastian answers for me with clear confidence.

"Sebastian, why don't you use our given names?"

"This butler learned to address people by surname and title only, unless requested, through his Young Master's incessant punishments."


"I know, I forgive you." Gently patting my head, being careful of the hairpiece, his expression is nothing but glee. I should be swiping his hand away but...I don't want him to stop.

"Ciel? Apologising?! Never!"

"Elizabeth I swear I'm gonna-"

"Get in the carriage and try not to murder each other?"

"That sounds fair." I answer, leading everyone out of the Manor, into the beautiful carriage that awaited us just outside my door.

With Sebastian's greatly needed assistance, I was able to get into the carriage, only to be lifted onto the demon's lap as soon as I sat down.

"Oh! You scared me!" I exclaim, having just sat down myself. His arms wrapped tightly and yet comfortably around my waistline, holding me securely.

I never lose control and flop from one side to the other when Sebastian holds me in his arms, and suspiciously, I never feel the bumping of the horse's melodic trotting that has become a staple of carriage riding on my demon's lap.

I will never understand why he is more comfortable than any seat could ever be.

"Settled? Or do you need something to keep you warm?" His deep voice asks quietly in my ear as Elizabeth and Sieglinde settle in, having gotten in before myself with the help of Sebastian.

"My neck is rather cold." I answer, having thought about it for a few moments. That's when he wraps a scarf so delicately around my neck, as if he knew I would need it somehow.

"How did you-?"

"I always come prepared."

"I thought that you'd know that Sebastian is the best butler in the world by now, Ciel." You don't know the half of it, Sieg.

"No Sieglinde, he's 'simply one Hell of a butler!'" Elizabeth chimes in, causing us all to burst into giggles. The warm breath tickles my neck as he laughs in that incredibly beautiful way. I could listen to this beautiful man for the rest of my days and it will always be something that I cherish, that I can never get tired of hearing it.

"That's my line!" He exclaims in jest, laughing all the while.

The conversation in the carriage stayed lively and excitable as we grew closer and closer to the centre of London. And as I left the carriage, I felt free.

Sliding my fingers in my rather dapper Butler's soft hand that eagerly welcomes my presence. Finally able to be affectionate with him outside of the we should be able to...

"Lucielle, why don't we go to the cute little French café." The tall blonde asks, addressing me with the alias that I created in order to recognise the name instantly in a split second, as it resembles my own.

"I would love to. Sebastian? Sieglinde? Any objections?" I ask in a blasé feminine voice that surprisingly sound so much like my own and yet so much like someone that I've lost. Or at least... I feel as though I have lost.

"No!" They answer in unison, Causing a few chuckles as we walked down the cobbled pathway to the French café that seems so delicately decorated with marble interior and beautiful structures the Leeds in archway towards the doors purple flowers hang delicately in rich brown wicker baskets as we make our way into the très jolis café.

A waiter greets us with a little "bonjour!" as we step towards the waiting point. "Bonjour, je suis ici pour demander une table pour quatre s'il vous plaît." Sebastian answers smoothly leaving the girls in awe. And we're not the only ones admiring my partner.

A group of young women sit giggling and whispering into each other's ears as their eyes trail up and down his body.

And as I stare at them I realise something that has been hidden in a cage, locked in my heart for so long that as it escapes it leaves me breathless.

What if Sebastian finds love with another when I'm dead and gone...?

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