Part 47: Hide and Seek

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(Author's Note: Okay so it's gonna be multiple parts of this one Halloween Party, so bare with me haha)

"Sebastian I need a gun."

"What did you do?"

"The children who arrived recently are being abused by their father, who may or may not have murdered their mother. Their mother was also demeaning and-"

The gun was in my hand before I could even finish speaking.

"You don't need to explain any further, can you show me the children so that I can help you find their Father?"

Sebastian has become less and less restrictive when it comes to murder.

"Sure, they're in Elizabeth's care." I guide Sebastian over to the children's area to find more new arrivals buzzing around.

"Ciel, Astre wants to speak with you alone." Lizzy announces as she makes her way towards us. "Alright," that's out of character considering he hadn't broke breath to us previously. "Sebastian, listen in for me please."

"I always am."

I don't know if he meant that as a good thing.

As I close the door, a little hand gently tugs on my own, seeking my attention. "Hello there, Astre." I keep my tone as gentle as possible as I slowly kneel down in front of him. Treating him as though he were a horse that's so easily spooked.

"Lord Phantomhivoo, I wanted to talk to you about Daddy-" His adorable mispronunciation of my surname brought a feeling of paternity within me as he stumbles through his sentence.

"I don't usually give people this special little privilege but you, my little one, are indeed worthy. You can call me Ciel." I gently tap his nose, causing a confidence boost within him. At least, enough confidence to relax in my presence. "Can you say Ciel?"



"Shi-eru?" Eh, close enough

"You've got it! Good job!" Positive reinforcement with children as young as Astre helps to create a bond of trust within him.

"Yay! Shieru!" He's saying my name as though it displays victory.

"So, little one-" I offer my hands to him to which he gleefully accepted, his gorgeous giggles distracting me from my goal. "What did you want to tell me?" I ask in a higher pitched tone, making myself appear as friendly as possible.

"Uh-" His beautiful blue eyes become filled with sorrow as he looks down at his feet. "D-Daddy told me not to tell anyone..."

"You know, friends can keep secrets and I'm your friend! I promise I will never tell anybody." Or else I'll be put in prison.


"Pinky promise." I answer, the sadness leaving his eyes as we curl our pinkies around each other. He's such a little darling.

"Okay! Uhm Daddy hits me...he's mean to us. But Daddy hits Eliza more. I try to help but he hurts me if I try...locks me in a box..."

"In a box?"

"Mhm, but I can see through the metal sticks..."

Oh dear Lord.

It's a cage.

"Do you love your Daddy?"

To which, he freezes in place.

But I see it.

The shaking of his little head.

That's it. He's mine. I'm taking him in. That asshole  can't hurt him anymore. He's dying tonight, kids as young as himself can't lie this well. If he is lying then Sebastian will know of it.

As of now, I can't help but hug the little angel in front of me. My protectiveness over the children growing the longer they stay within my walls.

"It's alright sweetheart. You don't have to say it. I know it hurts. Why don't I ask Elizabeth to get you some cake? Would you like that?" The little nod he gives me breaks my heart as I pull back to get a better view. "Alright then, come with me. We'll find her together!"

My enthusiasm seems to make him smile as I bend down just a little to walk as a hold his little hand. Finding Sebastian playing around with Eliza as Elizabeth helps to entertain some of the other children.

A giggle bubbles in my throat as I watch Eliza use Sebastian's tail coat as reigns, pretending he's a horse as he jogs around the room.

"You seem to be enjoying this Sebastian." I remark, causing him to look up at me with a cheesy grin on his face. "I certainly am, aren't you Eliza?"

"Yeah! He's really, really fast!"

"Isn't it amazing?!" I ask her in an overly enthusiastic manner to keep the children excited. "Sebastian, I don't believe you've met little Astre here. Astre, is my special friend, aren't you?"


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Astre. I am Lord Phantomhive's butler."

"Wow! That's amazing!"

"I know! I adore working for him." I'm sure you love it for a Hell of a lot more than what you may claim.

"Sebastian, would you mind bringing through some cake for Astre?" He quickly grabs something from the table behind him, and it's only once turns around that he unveils two small Halloween cakes for the brother and sister to share. "Here, my Lord."

"Thank you, now Astre, Eliza. Why don't you go over to the table and eat your cakes? I'm going to talk to Sebastian for just a moment and then I'll be back, alright?"

"Understood!" They answer, rushing over to the small, child sized table Sebastian set up for tonight. And as I follow him into the kitchen, I begin to understand the surge of paternal happiness even more. Until finally, the answer to my question hangs in front of me.

Although, I never needed to ask it.

"Ciel, can we keep them when he's dead?"

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