Chapter 102: Anxiety

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Eliza's POV:

"You do understand that while I may look like a child  I do not require to be spoken to like one." My silver tongue grows sharp as I attempt to put Finnian back in his place. Taking the white roses that I delicately snipped from the bush, from the blond man's gentle hands.

"I-I understand that Miss Eliza, but these are Sebastian's roses. I don't think he'd l-like to know they'd been cut off-"

"My Father will love it, it's a surprise for him. One that I am entitled to give him as a gift on his wedding day."

"Fine, Eliza. I'll let you off the hook for now but you really need to hurry up. Lizzie can't help you into your dress if you're not there, can she?"

I stand there giving him a cold stare before turning on my heels, beginning to walk towards the grand manor I know to be home. Running up the hallways that are now adorned with white and red flowers and silk banners.

My feet leaving a patter as I scale the wide staircase, finding myself knocking on my Mother's bedroom door before I knew it.

Only to find my Father opening the door.

"Good morning Eliza, you're early. Don't worry Lizzie isn't here yet."

"Why are you in here? I thought you had to sleep in separate beds."

"We should've but we didn't. Don't tell Lizzie for me." He winks mischievously, holding a finger up to his lips in a shushing motion.

"I promise!"

"What're you doing with my roses?"

"It's a surprise. You'll love it, I promise."

"I'll love anything you do Eliza, now I need to run before Finny gets to my room. I'll see you at the wedding." His lips press against my forehead before he runs in an unseeable blue, leaving me to hear my Mother's gentle snoring as I slowly close the door.

"Mummy, wake up! Lizzie-"

I am rudely interrupted by my far too excitable aunt Lizzie running in with dresses covered in bags hanging from her arms.

"Five more minutes-"

"Ciel! We have a strict schedule and if you don't want to leave Sebastian waiting at the altar, you'll get up right now!" The high pitched squealing of my aunt is enough to wake even the dead as she slowly helps my Mother out of bed.


"Mum, you know you can't win. The quicker you get that dress on, the less she has to make our ears bleed."

The look of defeat on my Mother's face was prominent as she follows my Aunt's every whim. Objecting to the small things, the wrong shade of lipstick, a hair out of place and other rather minor and borderline perfectionist issues that really shouldn't bother someone of my Mother's caliber.

Yet as the dress is tightened around his transformed waist, I begin to understand her logic.

He wants to be perfect, for him. No matter how silly his trifles may be, this day is something of beauty and so is he.
Sebastian's POV

My suit hangs neatly from my frame in less than a second, allowing me more time to relax and enjoy the little time I have before the most nerve-wracking moment of my existence. Something that, even now, leaves a tinge of anxiety within my chest.

I swiftly pour myself a scotch on the rocks in an attempt to calm myself before I must leave this room. Before I must face the man I am to marry.

The small bed I once lay in nightly creaks beneath my weight as I let out a sigh. The bed I haven't used in over two years.

"Nervous, huh?" Finny asks, walking out of the small en suite bathroom in his rather stylish attire. He's truly matured into a very handsome young man. One worthy of a noble.

"Very. For the first time in my existence." I add, taking a swig.

"Don't worry about it Sebastian, it happens to everyone. From what I've heard from Lizzie, Ciel is in the same spot."

My darling is nervous? He has nothing to worry about. No expectations to meet. I, on the other hand, have much to prove.

I am not worthy to wear that ring he will place on my finger.

I suppose... I never will be.

But I will never stop trying to be a man worthy of taking his name.

Worthy of being a Phantomhive.

Author's Note: Hello everyone, I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. My health has just taken a nosedive and it's been difficult to do anything. It's very painful at the moment but I will try very hard to continue to make chapters. I love you all!

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