Chapter 90: A Long Road From Here

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Ciel's POV

The tears, blood and dirt swirl in a disgusting lumpy tragedy. Like the decomposing bodies of newborn babies that lie in rotten cribs in the back of this god forsaken torture den.

Everywhere I look, everywhere I turn, I see death.

Death all around me.

Tragic lives cut far too short far too soon, all for the money making machine that is this damned place.

I want to scream.

I want to scream and shriek and wail till there is no more air in the world to fuel my grief and yet, I cannot.

No amount of screaming could ever extinguish the suffering that lies within these walls.

So, I stand.

Staring out into the rows of cots. The basement of dismemberment.

And all I can do is stand.

I am frozen in time.

Feeling the suffering of hundreds of deaths that never needed to be.

"I wish I could have saved you." Is all I can muster, my silence in solitude. Hand to my heart, for the first time since that fateful month, I pray. I pray to God for these children.

For their souls.

A demon who prays to the God they rejected.

"Ciel, we can't leave them here. Our...the living are malnourished. The human eye would have been convinced of their health but...those babies need nutrients if we want them to have a chance in this world."

His warm hand rests on my shoulder and yet I barely feel it.

Numb to my senses.

"We can't leave them here. We need to give them a proper burial. A memorial-"

"Ciel. Ciel please listen to me, I promise I will not leave these children to rot here. I will make arrangements for a public burial, I will call an undertaker. One that we can trust isn't a psychotic grim reaper. But we must arrange for a mass amount of carriages to help carry these children."

"How many are alive?"

"Twenty two. All nameless faces. Poor things."

"We have enough cribs?"

"I have twenty spares besides the twelve between the two rooms. We have more than enough. My dear, you've saved twenty two lives today."

"And when we're done with burning this shithole, we're going after a lot more baby farms. I'm not done killing child abusers yet."

"And we shall enjoy every second of every slaying, my King. Now, come with me. We have phone calls to make."

His hand welcomes me, leading me into the bright lie that is the "nursery," into the glorious sound of little lungs screaming.

And I couldn't have needed it more.
"Elizabeth, as my trusted Matron, will you and Finny do me the honour of tending to our new arrivals? Sebastian will create formula for feedings but I will buy whatever you require. I have extra blankets, logs and coal for the fireplace, cushions, we have everything you may require. However I give you the freedom to choose names for each child."

"I'm ready, Ciel. I cannot thank you enough for this great honour."

"My dear, I trust you with all my heart. You are the best woman for the job." I wrap my arms around her waist tenderly. With pride in my heart I give her the key to the orphanage.

I watch on as she and her partner leave the manor in a horse and carriage. Waving as they pass us by.

"Come, love. You deserve a chance to relax. It's been a long day."

"It has. I think I may just retire for the evening. I don't think I can face our children right now. I fear I cannot be the happy mother I usually am and I know I cannot hide my feelings."

"That's a good idea. You need rest." I take his hand in mine as we enter the manor. Hearing the giggling of my beautiful children and the laughter of Mey-Rin as we make our way up the stairs. Finding my wardrobe splattered on the floor, they must have played dress-up while we were away.

I let out a chuckle as I turn to my Queen, to find an mischievous grin dancing on his lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask curiously.

"You're still wearing a...particularly skimpy maid's uniform, my little King."

So that's why his eyes trail their way down my body. Even with the blood splatter, he seems to have a certain affinity for this particular outfit.

"I didn't even realise, my Queen. Why don't you take it off~?"

He closes the distance between us, his warm breath tickling my neck, sending shivers down my spine as clever hands untie my dress.

The material falling to my feet to reveal the faux breasts within a lace bodysuit. Making my femininity more convincing in disguise and yet, when his soft hands remove the silicone pads from the brazier, sensitive skin presses against the inside of the cups.

"Sebastian what is tha-"

I look down to find small, cone shaped breasts in the place of my flat chest. I find myself staring at them, bewildered by their sudden appearance.

"You, my love, have been developing breasts for a long time. You simply haven't noticed until now."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because, when they grew just enough to use, I could do this." His hands massage the sensitive flesh as though they were pillows. Sending me into a mental spiral of pleasure. The trials and tribulations of the day washing away with the lust I feel for my lover.

I can't help but yelp and squirm, yet as he pulls away I find myself desiring so much more than a touch.

He sends me wild every single time.

His smooth hands gently push me down onto the bed as he leans over my spread out body. Breathing becoming so heavy that I can barely think of anything else but his glorious body rubbing against mine. I allow my hands to roam all over him as he too, falls under the strength of his desire for me.

Eyes feverish, body hungry, heart pounding, I find myself relieved by those ten words that finally allow those hands to touch me in warm and needy places. Hanging onto those ten words as though they were the only words in the English language.

"Let me show you how your new body really works."

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