Part 48: Cluedo

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"You want them too?! Oh , Sebastian thank you!" I pull him into a tight embrace only to feel my feet lift off of the floor as I wrap my legs around his waist as I have done for so long that it has become second nature to me.

"I thought I would need to convince you. You always said that you didn't want children."

"That was until now-"

"Are you sure Ciel?"

"Yes, yes I am. If I am unable to have your children, I want to raise them...with you."

"Think about this for a moment, they will inherit your name. Your legacy, wealth...and your enemies' hatred."

"I know that-"

"People will hunt them down."

"I know-"

"There will be assassination attempts, kidnappings, public humiliation from the press and constant scrutiny from the rest of high society due to not being blood relatives."

"I understand-!"

"Do you really-?!"

"Sebastian, I swear on our contract that I am ready for the challenge of raising Eliza and Astre as the son and daughter of Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian Michaelis-Phantomhive. No matter the consequences."

I stay firm. Still. Sturdy in his arms. I know I can handle this, it isn't fair to leave them alone and who better to raise them than us?

"You do understand that once you say the words, there's no going back."

"I know. That is why I will say them now. Sebastian, this is an order, protect and raise Astre and Eliza no matter the cost."

"Yes, my dear." I relax as the glowing magenta of our union flashes in those beautiful eyes. Knowing that it is done.

"Then, let's go find our Daddy."

"Ciel, please never call anyone else that again."

"You're acting like I'm the one calling you that!"

"It's uncomfortable coming from you."


"You're my Master, and hearing you refer to someone else as though they have more power than you is incredibly strange."

Says the one always on to-

"We both know you have the power here."

"Oh my dear, you truly believe that?" Sympathy begins to fill his expression as his gaze falters. As though he were confused.

"Of course I do-"

"You control my every move, as your Queen on the chess board. I will do anything to protect my King." A smooth hand glides up my back only to stroke my cheek so gently.

"You flatter me too much. Truly. My Queen." That enrapturing smile that grows so effortlessly on his most tempting lips greets me one more. The one that could trap me in an everlasting trance if I'm not careful. No matter how ever long I wish to stay, I must go. Another minute wasted is another minute closer to my children being stolen from my grasp. "Now, let's go get our Prince and Princess."
"I found him, he came by to ask if Eliza had spoken about anything, giving me a bullshit sob story about how she's having trouble with other girls in her school and she's a bit shy about her bruises when I mention them." Elizabeth stands with her arms crossed tightly in front of her chest like a barrier, her eyes boring into me like daggers as she seethes with anger at the lies of a coward who beats his most precious beings.

"He is wearing a trench coat and a fedora hat, probably pretending to be a detective of sorts."

"Funny, the detective was standing right in front of him." My rather lame excuse for a joke seems to award me a pity laugh.

It's the best she can do under the circumstances.

"Be careful and try not to dirty up the place."

"I will."

It took a while of chatting with the guests for me to finally find my children's father, but once I did,I wasted no time separating him from the party.

All too eager to speak to royalty, I suppose. Though I must say, he has the mark of a thief branded on his left hand. Luckily, my costume possesses no pockets to pick.

"How are you enjoying your evening?"

"It's rather fancy in here compared to my own house that's for sure. No little blighters running about causing trouble." How dare you mention my children.

"I was thirteen when I took up the mantle." You should be careful with that tongue or I'll cut it off.

"Ah...yes. My apologies my Lord." You better fucking apologise.

"Would you like to venture down into the wine cellar?" And let me contain your screams while I stab you.

"Of course! What I wouldn't give for a good glass of wine."


I prefer a glass of your blood

As Time Goes On - A SebaCiel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now