Spotlight (L.H)

242 8 0

* Y/N stands for your name *
* F/L stands for first letter (of your name) *

As I sat in the stands, waiting for my friends, who had gone to get drinks, I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to my mum.

She was picking us up after the concert and I decided to let her know that I'd give her a call when I was leaving the arena.

The block we were sat in was oddly empty, considering the concert was due to start in half an hour.

From my experience, well lack of it seeing as I'd only ever been to two concerts before and both were completely different, I was sure that at this time the arena was almost full.

I glanced around me and noticed the lack of fans in attendance.

Being here, in the arena, I was finally beginning to get excited.

I was here, in the arena, getting to see for the first time in the flesh, one of my favourite bands, 5 Seconds of Summer.

I was more excited than anyone could understand, well except for the other fans of course.

A figure suddenly took the empty seat beside me and I peeked up from my phone, to see an unfamiliar person occupying my friends seat.

His eyes held darkened sunglasses and I frowned, wondering why he was still wearing them inside.

On his head was a SnapBack and his long lean legs were clad in black skinny jeans.

"Erm, I'm sorry but that seats taken," I apologised, pointing down to the seat he was sitting in.

He chuckled and nodded, as he slouched back.

"I know, I won't be long," he replied.

I eyed him curiously, as I dropped my phone in my lap and wondered why he was still sat there.

Or why he was sat there actually.

"So, what's a pretty girl like you doing sat alone?" he asked, a smirk taking up his plump lips.

I laughed.

He was seriously going for that one.

"Quite the charmer aren't we?"

Instead of answering his question, I gave him one of my own.

"Yeah, I guess I am," he laughed. "Now I've answered your question, why don't you answer mine instead of avoiding it?"

He grinned and leant his elbows on his knees, keeping his eyes on me.

"I'm waiting for my friends. They've gone to get drinks," I replied nonchalantly.

"Ah I see," he said, scratching his chin in thought.

He watched me, his eyes on me, or so I thought.

I couldn't quite tell as he had them shielded.

"So you're not here with your boyfriend then?" he questioned.

I was a little afraid to answer, as he was a mysterious stranger who has just happened to sit by me.

"No, you see I'm not actually taken," I replied, with a soft smile.

He grinned, as he leant in closer.

"Would you like to be taken?" he asked, pulling down his sunglasses ever so slightly.

I was met with piercing blue eyes, the bluest I had ever seen.

Those eyes.

The eyes I'd dreamt of.

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