Chapter 17: School

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Artemis Pov

•6:30 a.m.•

I slowly open my eyes and look around, I find myself home in my bed with Marco laying down at the foot of my bed and Luca laying down right next to me

Trying to sit up straight but I wince in pain and Luca pops up and looks right at me with concern written all over his face.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He ask and I just huff

"I'm fine Luca, I can't sit in bed all day. I need to shower and get dressed" I say and throw the covers off me and get up out of bed despite the pain shooting throughout my leg

"No! Artemis you'll bust your stitches" Luca yells then jumps out of bed while almost tripping over Marco

"I'm fine" I say once again and make my way to the bathroom

It's not like this is my first time getting shot or stabbed

Nothing some pain medicine and a cup of coffee or vodka can't fix

I ignore Marco and Luca's shouts of protest and slam my bathroom door shut.

So extra

Looking down at my clothes I realize someone changed me into one of my silky long shirts. I take it off and see my shoulder, arm, and leg bandaged

"Damn" I whisper to myself as I start to unwrap my leg

"Artemis if you are going to shower, don't take the bandages off they can get wet" I hear Marco shout from the other side of the door

"Good to know" I shout back and stopped unwrapping the bandages

Walking over to my shower, I turn it on and let the water run before I get in

Seems like whatever I do, I'll never get away from the Russians

I still can't believe I fell in love with my enemy's daughter, out of all people who walks this earth I had to fall in love with her.


•7:20 a.m.•

I'm finally done with washing my face and body so I get out the shower and stand in front of the mirror to just look at myself

"Why is this my life?" I ask myself then I poke my shoulder

'Because our mom decided to sell us for money, but we'll get our revenge on her and the stupid Nikolaev family'

'Damn right, we should start planning that now. But Ruby comes first because she betrayed us'

I reach and grab my toothbrush and toothpaste from inside my mirror. Then I start brushing my teeth

After I'm done I make sure my towel is on tightly and then I walk out my bathroom

Walking back into my room I see Thena standing by my bed with Luca and Marco standing right next to her

"Artemis yesterday was a nightmare, you need to be resting" Thena says and I just smile at her for being so caring

"My life is a nightmare but that's besides the point. When does school start?"

"School starts today at 9:20 a.m., but you need to be resting so you aren't going" I roll my eyes at her then I walk into my closet

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