Chapter 5: Moving Day

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Mika's pov (still at the hospital):

Welp when Artemis left these people just kept staring at me as if I owned them money or something

"Can you guys stop staring at me?" I say getting upset now

"How did you meet Artemis?" Ace asked looking interested in getting to know Artemis that's good I guess it'll be good for her to have people that care besides me and Emma, and I guess Ruby

"We meet at the orphanage, she was helping a kid that I stole lunch from..." I was about to continue when I was cut off by Luca "Why did you steal lunch from the kid?"

"Well because she hit me in the back of the head with a rock so I stole her lunch then beat her ass after I ate her food, anyway after Artemis saw what I did to the girl she came over to me and asked why I did it after I told her why she laughed and didn't help the girl no more, from that moment forward we became partners in crime," I said smiling at the memory because we killed so many people after we shared our deepest dark secrets.

"That's a nice but weird way to become friends but I've heard worse" Ace said

"You have any more friends with Artemis?" Thena then asked looking up from her phone at me

"Yea, Emma Maxwell and she has a child Matteo Maxwell who Artemis and I like to call our nephew, and then Ruby Woodwell, ugh I hate that girl she's such a liar and a manipulator," I say not realizing I said that last part out loud

"Ruby did kinda seem weird when she called us over to Artemis house but we just ignored it because her friend died and then came back in front of her" Marco says looking me in my eyes

"Tuh please Ruby watched Artemis almost die more than once, just don't believe anything Ruby says she's a liar like I said," I say grabbing my stuff and getting ready to leave the hospital

"I'm leaving now, take everything I said and do what you like with it but remember don't trust Ruby if you see her again, see y'all tomorrow night because I'll be there with Artemis," I say waving bye to them then walking out the hospital towards my car

Artemis Pov:

After getting drunk as hell with Gerald he drove me home like a maniac and slept over at my place because I was not letting him drive back to his house

Anyway today I have to move in with the Russo's I feel like my time there is going to be interesting, I already know me and Marco maybe even Luca are gonna get along just great. Me, emerald and Thena can go shopping I guess. Don't know about the others but I'm gonna make them all my bitches

But I can't allow them to know my shameful past because they look like the type of family to pity those who hurt and the last thing I need right now is pity, anyhow right now I'm packing up my stuff and eating pretzels... Oh and drinking wine of course

"Hey my bisexual bestie" Mika says walking into my messy room and grabbing something random off the floor and throwing it into a box

"No that doesn't go there Mika," I say getting off the floor and grabbing whatever it is that she through in the box out

"Sorry but I came to help pack and you'll never get there tonight if you have nobody to help you pack," she says grabbing the wine glass and pretzels out of my hand

"I'm gonna play some music then we are gonna pack your stuff, yes," she says then tells Alexa to play 'Family Line by Conan Gray

"Not sad music Mika"

"Yes it fits my mood" I'm not even gonna question her weird mood swings

"My father never talked a lot
He just took a walk around the block
Till all his anger took a hold of him
And then he'd hit
My mother never cried a lot" She sings while grabbing some shirts and folding them then putting them into the box that says 'clothes'

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