Chapter 69: Family Death pt1

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Ivan POV

I stand in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and watching Ruby at her little vanity doing whatever it is that she's doing. She moved into my bedroom a week ago, as well as all of her things

Her clothes take up the majority of my closet. She brought these creepy Russian dolls in here too. They just stare at me whenever I'm doing something, watching my every move

I'm thinking about burning them. I actually might burn them.

"Ivan" Ruby calls out

"Yeah" I answer, rinsing off my toothbrush and then putting it back into the holder

"Can you bring me a hair tie please?" She asks. I look around the bathroom until I spot a small silky pink one

I walk into the room, handing it to her then taking a sit on the bed. Is this going to be my life from now on? No more privacy, just sharing a room with my boss's daughter and soon-to-be wife?

"Are you just going to sit there and watch me?" She chuckles, pulling me out of my thoughts

"What else am I supposed to do?"

"Watch TV or play games on your phone. You don't have to watch me" she says, spreading lotion on her cheeks and forehead

"TV rots your brain and I don't use my phone when I'm getting ready for bed. I read a book instead" Ruby doesn't seem to take me seriously because she laughs as I finish my sentence. She fully laughs at me in my room

"If TV rots your brain, why do you have a TV in the room?" I glance over at the flatscreen that is mounted onto the wall over the fireplace

Why else would I get a TV in here if not for her? She likes to watch TV, so... "Good night Ruby. Don't make too much noise and don't stay up late"

I kick off my slippers and slide underneath the cover before my head can settle down against my pillow. The door to my bedroom is thrown open and I pounce up

"Vanya?!" Why is she in here? It's late, she should be asleep

"I—" she pauses, trying to collect her words. "I'm sorry for bursting in but it's an emergency"

My mind starts thinking over everything bad. Could Igor be in the cells taking out his anger on the new subjects? Is someone dead? Did Anastasia ruin another one of his plans—

"My sister—" For all the years that I've known Vanya she has never had such pain in her eyes. She looks unsettled and terrified

"Vanya, go to your room. I'll be there" I throw the covers off of me and walk into my closet to get dressed in decent outside clothing.

And in my closet full of clothes the only decent thing I could find was a pair of black jeans and a white turtleneck

"Ivan, what are you doing?" I turn to Ruby, who is now out from in front of her vanity and standing at the door of the closet

"I'm getting dressed" Isn't it obvious? I'm in here naked putting on clothing

"Yes but why?" Ruby asks

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