Chapter 26: Failed Extraction

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Artemis POV

"What happened?" Gerald asks me while leading me away from the fighting zone

"I blacked out." I say

I'm slowly losing my mind. Igor would love to see me slowly losing my mind, it would please him

We continue walking until we reach my office

"You should go home and get some rest" he suggest

"It's not time for me to rest. Our family is out there with Ivan" I say then start fidgeting with my hands

He nods understandably

"What's the plan?" Mike busts into my office

I need to put a sign on the door that says 'don't not enter without knocking'

"I can have Adam intervene with there flights plans therefore they would stop at the nearest airport. and when they stop we'll be there waiting for them" I say, Gerald and Mike both simultaneously nod in agreement

"Wonderful, Mike go get Arlen and Adam. Gerald go get my go-team ready" they both turn around and walk out

I hope this goes well. I need it to go well. I need Mika, Emma, and Matteo home safely, then maybe I can kill Ivan

Rounding my desk and sitting down on my chair. I lean back and kick my feet up

Maybe I should go get some sleep, I am kind of tired

I wonder what Marco is doing. Honestly he's probably sleeping in my room. I'm pretty happy that I told him that I love him, once I see my therapist again then I can tell her I made progress with my adoptive family. Now I just need to make progress with my mental state

Getting pulled away from my thoughts with my phone ringing. I grab it and see Marco's name flashing across my screen

"Hello" I answer while putting my phone on speaker

"Where are you? You've been gone all day"

"I'm at my mafia warehouse" I say

He scoffs.

I sign and roll my eyes

"Well, I'm sorry to do this to you but Mom and Dad were worried about you so they told me to call you. You are on speaker with everyone in the room" I literally hate my life

"They now want to come to your place of work"

"They are not allowed. I'm busy with stuff and I'm now hanging up" I say then hang up the phone

They are really clinging, if they were worried about me they could've just texted me

Gerald comes busting into my office with my go-team leader

"Boss, Gerald said you need us for a mission" Nymeria my team leader says

I nod my head and take my feet off my desk

"I need you to prep your team for an exaction and prep them for a fight too" I say quickly. My team leader nods then leaves

"I'll need to go home soon to shower but then I'll be back" Gerald nods and just stares at me

"You look exhausted"

"That's because I am" he sighs and leaves the room

Well okay then...

I pick up my phone and checking the time.

It's 2:00 a.m, already.

How long did I black out for? It shouldn't have been more then five minutes

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