Chapter 65: "He's asking argumentative questions!"

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Emerald POV

{Running late}

I walk into the police precinct, on a mission... a mission to find Detective Nolan or shall I say the Russian soldier. I walk over to the front desk and grab my visting sticker, place it onto my chess and begin walking around

"Hey, Ms. Russo!" I turn around and see Detective Nolan waving me down

Slowly, I walk towards him. He's standing next to an open door then disappears inside

"Phone" a guard says, holding out a bucket

"Can you tell me which phone belongs to Nolan, he asked me to check his messages-" the guard shuts me up and hands me his phone

I fish around in my pantsuit pocket and pull out the touch pad which I place onto the back of his phone once the guard looks away for a quick moment, double tapping the touch pad, I place my phone into the bucket as well as Nolan's.

"Thank you" I nod, walking into the room

"I want to go over your statement again" I hear Detective Aspen say. Upon looking forward I see Gerald sitting across from Aspen

"What is this?" I ask, turning to face Nolan

"Sh. Just listen" he says, turning back to face the one way mirror

"I had gotten back to New York around 11pm, I put gas in my car then went to my office to grab something since my assistant, Max Saint, had called me saying I had a letter waiting for me. Unfortunately, I never made it to the office to pick up my letter" Gerald calmly answers

Detective Aspen looks at his laptop for a moment before speaking "Why where you never able to receive your letter?"

"He isn't supposed to be asking these questions! His lawyer isn't present!" I state, turning to face Nolan

"You were late and he consented into being questioned without you being present. Now be quiet and listen" I huff, facing the one way mirror once again

He better not say anything incriminating

"I had gotten a notifcation while I was stopped at a red light" Gerald answers

"What was said notifcation about?"

Gerald looks extremly uncomforable but nonetheless he answers Detective Aspen's question "It was letting me know that there was a lot of movement on the front porch"

"And was said movement the victim and your so called nephew" he's badgering my client

"He's asking argumentative questions!" I scoff, turning to face Nolan again for third time

"Ms. Russo, if you continue talking during this you will be asked to leave" someone speaks up from the side of him

I huff, going silent. When I turn back to face the one way mirror, a lot seems to have happen because Gerald is out of his seat and having a screaming match with Aspen, whose laptop is now on the floor

"You are a murder who will pay for their crimes!" Aspen shouts

Dectective Nolan pushes past me and rushes out of the room, I follow closely behind him. Nolan walks into the interrogation room whilst I grab my phone and the touch pad before walking inside.

I walk over to Gerald while Nolan is holding back Aspen. Looking into Gerald's eyes I see saddness, shame, and a small hint of frustration

"Dectective Nolan get your partner under control!" I yell

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