Chpter 38: Telling my Secrets

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Artemis POV

I arrive at my office building for the second time today, fortunately Gerald already gave everyone the details of the mission and how it will be going, unfortunately everyone left except Adrianna. She still wants to talk for some unknown reason

Gerald went to his office, Mike is standing outside my office door and Miles is standing outside Gerald's door. My other guards are inside my office with me, standing like statues in every corner while watching Adrianna whose just sitting in front of my desk staring at me

"Can you talk?" I ask

I have some work to do

"Why are you being so rude to me and my family? What do you have against us?" She ask

I roll my eyes and scoff before saying "I have no problem with you"

"So you have a problem with my family, what did they do?"

"Look Adrianna I have something's to do before I leave for Russia and you and your stupid little questions are holding me up" I say

"I don't mean to hold you up Artemis, I really don't. I'm just trying to find out why your treating my family and me a certain way" she says, then her face lights up as if she just found the answer to her own question

"Your acting like this with me because your upset that I'm going on the mission. You don't want me to go, why?" I get up from my desk and walk over to my mini bar

If I'm going to sit here and listen to her talk I need a drink, something strong too

"Adrianna, your being so ridiculous. You want to come to Russia with me and my mafia then so be it, I don't have any say in what your family decides to let you do." I say, pouring me a glass of Crown Royal on ice

"Your right, you don't have a say but yet your still upset with me" I turn around and walk back over to my desk, setting my drink down. I just look at her as if she's delusional

"You are delusional if you think I am upset" I say, lying my ass off because I am upset with her for wanting to come on this dangerous mission and I'm upset with her family for letting her

"Then why did you hang up on me?" She ask, getting up out of her seat and rounding my desk so she's now standing in front of me

"I got another call, an important call so I hang up" I say


"Why didn't you just say you have to go?" She ask again, stepping close to me as I start to step back

"I wasn't thinking about that"

Another lie.

"Mhm" is all she says, as my back hits the windows behind my desk

"I'll see you tomorrow Artemis" she looks down at my lips and cleavage before stepping away from me and walking out my office

I don't know why but I wanted to feel her lips on mine.

'Not looking to date, huh'

'Shut it'

Fixing my blazer and dusting the imaginary lint off it before looking around at my bodyguards who suddenly found the floor interesting

I huff while sitting back down in my chair and pull out some paperwork that's been sitting in my drawer for some unnecessary time

Three hours later:

"Go get Gerald" I tell one of my many bodyguards

This one paperwork is getting on my everlasting nerve. It's asking for three signatures, one of the CEO (me), on of the COO (Gerald), and another one but it doesn't say from who. I asked Eleanor who delivered the paperwork to her and all she said was the mail carrier

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