Chapter 47: "They have the biggest balls"

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Artemis POV

I stand in front of my big windows, looking down at the busy street with my white wine in my hand.

The sound of my office door tears me away

"I see you cleaned your desk" Gerald's voice rings throughout my office

I face the back towards the window, swirling around my wine

"Yeah, Eleanor did a number on it" I chuckle

"I took your meeting," he says

"Thank you, I didn't know that I had one" he walks up next to me, looking down at all the people walking the streets

"The meeting was with the Italian mafia, I figured you didn't want to speak with them"

We stand in silence, looking down at everything and everyone

I sip on my wine, not bothering to ask about the meeting because I don't care to know

"Hey bitches" Mika's loud voice pulls me away from my silent watching

"I brought the screamer" she adds

Sighing before throwing the rest of my wine back

"Nephew" I bunch up my pants then squat down to him. He runs into my arms with a weird-looking toy in his hand

"Greedy boy wanted McDonald's" Mika sets down his diaper bag on my desk before trying to walk back out

"Wait a minute Mika, where are you going?"

"Um, back home to shower. I'll come back I promise but I feel dirty"


"Yeah, I had gym today and I was hanging up party fliers all around school"

"Did you find your chaperone?"

"Ask me that when I get back" she pauses, reaching for the door "Have fun" she slams the door as I look over at Gerald

"Got to go, you know these papers won't sign themselves. I'll tell you about the meeting later" he runs to the door, opens it then slams it shut behind him

Damn it, I always get stuck with the screamer.

Where is his mother?

What if I had actual work to do?

"Donalds!" He screams in my ear. I set him back down for him to run around

"Matteo, inside voices"

"I want Donalds," he says, more quietly

"You already McDonald's, how about some strawberries?"

"Yes, yes berries!" He screams, running over to my black couch

Walking over to the phone on my desk, to ring the front desk

"Yes?" Eleanor answers

"Run to the story and get strawberries for the toddler"

"Yes ma'am but I'm not on my break"

I look over at Matteo, wondering if he could wait or not. That thought soon fades away as I see him jumping up and down on my couch, screaming "Berries"

"Take your break early Eleanor, just go get me some strawberries"

"Okay ma'am" I hang up the phone, running over to swoop him off the couch

Your mothers' paycheck won't cover the damages you were about to make to my couch.

Matteo giggles in my arms with his chubby little hands on my cheeks

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