Chapter 52: Her happiness will not be ruined

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Gerald POV

It's a beautiful sunny morning and I, unfortunately, have to spend it in the office surrounded by papers and documents that need to be signed.

Now that Artemis is assigned to bed rest, I forbade her from coming to work or doing anything other than being in the house. She hates it but it is what's best for her to heal properly

It's doubtful that she'll listen. I sure hope she does though for her sake and safety

I look out of one of the many windows that make up my office and all my tiny plants that are on them before the phone on my desk rings

A new cool installment. I'm sure Artemis will hate it

"Yes, Max?" I answer

My assistant says "There are four people here to see"

Max is another one of my cool installments, I thought I should get an assistant too since I haven't had one in quite a while.

"Who?" I ask, signing this paper that I need to send off to the American mafia office

"Uh, excuse me sir what is your name?" I hear Max ask

For a few seconds, the line is silent but a name is said that I didn't expect to hear "Tell him it's Felix Sage and his family"

"Sir, it's-"

"Send them up," I say, cutting him off and hanging up the phone

Wonder why their here

Soon my office door is pushed open and in walks the whole Sage family

"What brings you all by?" I kindly ask, standing up from my desk while fixing my suit

"Bad things, Mr. Carter, bad things," Felix says, motioning for his daughter to start speaking

"My drug operation has gone up in flames," she says

I squint my eyes before sitting back down "And this concerns me how?"

"Because my building went up in flames and your drugs with it"

"What?!" I shout

"H-how?" I stutter

"Revenge maybe, I mean after all I did tag along when you all went to their home" I look up at her, my eyes wide

"Are you telling me that-"

"Yeah, they set my warehouse on fire"

I grab and aggressively rub my head


This is bad

Real Bad

After all the silence, they come back with a bang!

Fuck me

"That's not all"

Great, there's more bullshit

"They attacked our mafia warehouse last night, I got a call after it happened. My people are hurt pretty badly" Felix says

Damn it. Life was so good and they just came back to ruin it all

"Again, that's not all. They attacked another one of our operations in Germany, they killed fifteen people and kidnapped thirteen"

Just when I was about to say something my phone rang, fishing it out of my pants pocket and answering it

"Boss, we have a problem all that money that was supposed to go to Mexico to get cleaned has been burned"

"What?" I ask

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