Chapter 39: Russia Part 1

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Artemis POV

I lay awake in my bed staring at the ceiling. I ended the call with Mike and Gerald a couple hours ago, my mind is running with possibilities of how this mission can go. They aren't good possibilities, nothing good comes out of being in Russia especially when your wanted

I went to sleep after my shower, and I woke up from my sleep an hour after I went. I can't seem to sleep and I need to sleep. Big things are coming out of today and I need rest, much needed rest but yet again my body isn't on the same bag as my heart

Closing my eyes and rolling over onto my stomach to try and go back to sleep when my phone begins to ring. I sigh before picking it up

"Hello" A familiar voice whispers into the phone

"Who is this?" I ask, pulling my phone away from my ear to see the number isn't familiar but the voice is

"Adrianna" I sigh when hearing her name

"Sorry, the phone cut out. I'm Adrianna's brother" I sit up in my bed, while listening to his shallow breaths

"Shawn, is everything okay?" I ask

"Yes" he mumbles

"Then why are you calling?" I ask again

"Because Adrianna wanted to talk with you-"

"I don't want to talk to her" I say, quickly cutting him off

"Yeah. I can see that, you blocked her. She went to sleep anyway, I'm calling to tell you that she likes you, like likes you, likes you and your just pushing her away. I see how she looks at you Artemis, please give her a chance. I know you have lots of things on your plate and other things to worry about but my sister can't seem to get you out of her mind no matter what. I know I shouldn't pry or push, I just can't keep seeing her so down because a girl she really likes won't give her the time of day" Shawn says, then sighs at the end

"I just talked your ear off. I shouldn't have did that, I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine Shawn. I'm not looking to date, I have too many problems and baggage. Your sister is a gorgeous girl, she's wonderful, she has a gorgeous mind that someone else would love to see but I can not because I'm not the person she needs. Shawn, thank you for looking out for her, she's lucky to have you as her brother. Have a good night, I'll see your family soon" I say and hanging up the phone before he can say anything else

Oh to have a biological brother who cares enough about my feelings to call the someone whose unintentional breaking my heart in the middle of the night

I sink back down into my bed while putting my phone on my nightstand. I then turn my body to sleep on my stomach instead of my back

My head hits my silly pillow as I begin closing my eyes

One hour later:

Ugh, no. I'm awake again. Why won't my body just sleep?

I slam my head on my pillow a couple of times whilst kicking my legs

"For fucks sake" I groan into my pillow then roll off my bed

Hitting the floor with a loud thud before getting up and walking into my closet to get dressed in a sports bra and shorts. I pair my running shoes with my running outfit

If I can't get sleep I'll just go on a run through New York, I'll probably stop for something at Starbucks on my way back home

After I get dressed, I grab my headphones and my phone off of my nightstand then walk out of my room. While closing my door and putting my headphones in, I accidentally bump into someone

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