Chapter 20: Bad luck

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Ruby Pov

•12:10 a.m.•

"Why did you shoot her?" I ask Ivan but he just shoves me into the car

"Shut up" he says and I do exactly that

I hope Artemis is okay

Ivan gets into the car and quickly drives off

"You are going to do exactly as I say, you understand me?" I nod and Ivan sighs

"You will not tell your father that I shot Artemis" I look over at him confused

"Why can't I tell him?" I ask

"Your father will kill me if he found out that I physically hurt his little devil" I nod and smile to myself

I can use this to my advantage.

He's scared of my father but honestly I can't blame him

Soon we end up pulling into the hotel parking lot

We get out the car, Ivan grabs my hand and we walk inside the hotel. Ivan then walks up to the desk lady

"Hello can you send up room service with champagne?" He ask giving her a nice fake smile

"Of course, your room number is 408. Right?" Ivan nods then before the lady can say a word he pulls me inside a elevator that just opened up

"Haven't we had enough champagne today?" I ask trying to lighten the mood but I guess I just made him more upset

"Shut up" He pushes me harshly into the elevator wall

Okay, the next time he puts he's hand on me I will hit him back

The elevator opens up and he grabs my arm again and pulls me to our room

Once we reach our room, he opens the door

"Sit on the bed" He says pushing me near the bed as his phone starts to ring

"Привет" Ivan says

"Приезжайте в Нью-Йорк, у нас есть дела" I look over at him and he just looks very anxious

He wants more of my father's people in New York...for what?

"Хорошо, не забудьте взять с собой Эдварда и Альфреда." Ivan then hangs up the phone and turns to me

"I have a quest for you" Ivan says to me and I just look up at him

"Find out where Emma Maxwell lives" he says, I pause for a quick second

"I already know where she lives but why does that even matter?" I ask stupidly

"Because finding Emma and hurting her or her son is next on your father's chaos list" I slowly nod then look at our room door

"Don't even try it" I look back at him and he gives me a knowing look

"I would so rather die then betray Artemis again. Even though she hates me" I say and Ivan smiles

"That can be arranged" he grabs his gun out his suit jacket and he points it at me

"My father won't let you live if you kill me" I mutter

"Your father would care less if I kill you" I mean he's right but it hurt hearing it being said by someone other than me

"Okay then kill me" I say much more calm than I expected

I close my eyes waiting for him to pull the trigger but he never does

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