Chapter 13: High on the Beach

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Artemis POV

I end up waking up early because Mika kept kicking me in the side. Leaving my room with my phone then I walk downstairs and make myself a cup of hot black coffee that matches my soul.

Sitting at the kitchen island I grab a cookie from the jar and dip it into my coffee then just stare at the wall while I start to nibble on the cookie but I realize that it's fucking nasty so I throw it into the garage and just continue with my coffee

"Good morning gorgeous" I hear Adrianna say I look over and see her standing at the entrance of the kitchen

"Good morning Adrianna" I say and taking a sip of my coffee

"Do you mind if I have some coffee?" She asks pointing over at the coffee pot and I nod my head

She reaches in the cabinet and grabs a coffee mug then she pours herself some coffee "Add creamer and sugar, because the coffee is just black with a bit of sugar" I say and she nods her head and does what I say

After Adrianna comes and sits next to me with her coffee "So who's the girl in your room?" I turn to her and she just sips her coffee with two hands "My best friend Mika Noah, she had a rough night so I brought her over" I say then take a another sip of my almost finished coffee

"That's nice" she says I guess trying to act like she's not jealous but I see the way she squeezes the coffee mug

I just don't understand why she's jealous

"Why are you here this morning?" I ask, since we are being nosy

"I slept over because Emerald wanted to hangout and watch movies and my brother Shawn slept over with Luca, I guess they are playing games and whatever" I nod my head then finish up my coffee

"I need three case full of different types of drugs and the one million dollars will hit your account once you give me the drugs." I say then wash my coffee mug and go upstairs

"Good talk Artemis" I hear her shout but I just keep walking up the stairs and back to my room

"Morning bisexual bestie" Mika says as soon as I open my room door

"Morning kid" I say and close my door

"What we doing today?" She ask starting to do her stupid little shaking stretch all over my bed

"I want to go to the beach and get high with you and Gerald" I say walking into my closet and deciding to wear my halter tube maxi dress with some white heels that I bought a while ago

"I have clothes that will fit you" I say walking out my closet with my clothes

"Yeah but do you have another dress?" She ask raising her eyebrows

"Nope, so I guess we'll make a stop at your house" I say and she nods her head

"Okay well I'm going to take a shower and then I'll bring you home to get ready" I hear her stomach growl and she groans

"There's food downstairs in the kitchen, if you get lost the room right across from me is Marco's he'll help you." I say and watch as her face turns sour

"But there white" she whispers to me and I throw my head back laughing

"Lord Mika, I know but they have maids and the maids can cook" I say and she still looks unsure

"Well then starve" I say then walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower

Stripping of my clothes I turn around and look at my back in the mirror

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