Chapter 61: Interagation

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Gerald POV

I got arrested.

I can't believe I got arrested for something I didn't do.

I wonder what Artemis is thinking. I hope she doesn't think I didn't

"You have two visitors" a female officer says, walking into the holding cell room with Artemis and Emerald following behind her

"You guys have ten minutes to talk and then your going into questioning" the officer says, walking out

I look over at Artemis, scrunching my eyebrows together towards the Russo next to her. She rolls her eyes before shrugging

"I'm your lawyer, Mr. Carter" Emerald says,

I scoff "My what?!"

"Your lawyer, I'm here to get you out of this mess. We don't have much time to talk, we need to go over some details so I don't get surprised in the questioning room" I look over at Artemis with wide eyes

"Leave us for a minute" Emerald nods, walking out

Artemis comes up closer to the cell "We can trust her"

"Can we? You could've chosen anyone else"

"No, I couldn't have. She was the best option, she's someone I know and someone I can trust" Artemis slightly hesitate while finishing her absurd sentence

I sigh "At what price?"

"Gerald it's fine. Your going to get out and that's all that matters so shut up and let her help you" she waves her hand and Emerald walks back in

"I have some errands to run. I'll see you tomorrow Gerald" Artemis, touches Emeralds shoulder before leaving

"Okay, we don't have much time-" Emerald starts speaking but is cut off by two male detectives walking into the holding cell room

"Mr. Carter and Ms. Russo. Your ten minutes is up, we are ready for you too" Emerald moves away from the cell, making room for them to let me out

"We were under the impression that Ms. Ferrari would be joining us" one of the male detectives says

"Oh, she had some stuff to do" he nods

Once I'm out of the cell, I hold my hands out excepting to get handcuffs put on but they both shrug me off

"Follow us" they turn and walk towards the integration room

I can't lie and say I'm not nervous because I am. For all I know, Igor has planned everything correctly and I might be going to prison.

If that does happen, I'll pray that Mike quickly finishes his training so he can take my place and be at Artemis side, she'll need someone who is completely loyal and won't have some secrets stop him for correctly fulfilling his duties

"Have a seat, we'll only be a moment, we need to grab some things first" both the detectives walk out of the interrogation room, leaving me and Emerald alone in the silence

I take a seat first but Emerald stands, walking around the oddly shaped room

"We still need to talk. What are you being convicted of?" She ask

I sigh turning to face her "Artemis didn't tell you?"

"No, we didn't talk much about this. I figured I can ask you and as your attorney I hope you'll tell me the truth" she says, facing me

"I'm being convicted of murder"

"First, second, or third?" She ask

"First" one of the male detectives says, interrupting our conversation

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