Chapter 48: Confrontation 

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Artemis POV
*This chapter contains mentions of rape*

They ruined everything.

The best adoptive family award goes to the Russos, everyone clap your fucking hands

After me and Gerald's talk, I felt angry with them

I felt like I needed to kill somebody.

Maybe I do, I haven't gone on a single mission by myself in a while.

I also want to confront them about their little war massacre their about to let happen but Gerald told me another day, he said we had to go home for dinner.

Despite my anger, I set it aside and went home. I'm in my bed now, it's the next morning. I couldn't sleep. All I could do was think about them, laying dead because they want to pick a fight with the wrong people.

"Alexa, what time is it?" I ask, rolling over in bed to lie on my stomach

"It's 11:00 am" Should I go to work today?

It's already late, maybe I should go visit the underworld for a mission or maybe I should go visit the Russo manor.

Decisions, decisions

Rolling out of bed and walking out of my room for the first time today.

I've only gotten out of bed to take a shower and brush my teeth

"Good morning," Mika says, full of joy

"Yup," I say

"So, are you coming by the house to help set up?" She asks, walking side by side with me downstairs

"Did I agree to that?"

Shit, did I agree to help her?

"You did, you also said you'd chaperone my party" fuck, why would I do that?

"Is it too late to back out?" I will do nothing else but chaperone her party

"Yes, it's too late. Artemis, the party is tomorrow and everyone is coming. You can't back out"

Fucking hell. The shit I always seem to get myself into

"Okay, I'll be at the house to help set up but I need to do something before that" no solo mission for me. I'm still going to pay a visit to the Russo manor just for a quick, harmless chat

As we reach downstairs, Mika heads to the living room, as I make my way to the kitchen. Finding Arlen, Miles, and Mike up and dressed in all black

"Is something happening that I missed?"

"No, we're just going on a mission," Arlen says, grabbing a mug from the cabinet and then filling it with hot coffee, she slides the mug over to me before going back to speak with Miles and Mike

A mission that I didn't sign off on? Interesting

"What kind of mission?" I ask, sipping the hot coffee that she poured

"Nothing big, just something small like taking out a petty little gang" Miles answers, while Mike and Arlen stand around looking nervously at each other

"What did this petty little gang do?"

"They stole some of your shipments" Arlen blurts out


"And who signed off on this mission?"

"Nymeria and Gerald" interesting, but Nymeria shouldn't have done that, she has no jurisdiction to be signing off on missions. Even if she sent them on it, she needs to get confirmation and clearance from either me or Gerald.

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