Chapter 7: Family friends

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Artemis Pov

'Wake up, I'm hungry'

'No, I'm hungover leave me alone Deianira'

I was about to fall back asleep but my stomach starts to rumble, groaning I roll over and get up to use my bathroom walking in I look in the mirror and see my hair all messy and drool on the side of my face.

"Must have had a time last night" I said chuckling to myself then using the bathroom

After I start up the shower then strip off my clothes, getting in to wash all of the tiredness, and drool off.

Once my shower is done I walk out of my bathroom and into my closet to put on a bra and some underwear before looking for an outfit, grabbing my phone to see if I have any meetings or trades but I see I have a meeting with the German mafia.

So I put on a lacy baby blue top with a matching blazer, pants, and belt, then I put on some baby blue heels, and then I put on heat protection and straighten my hair.

My phone starts to ring "Hello" I answer

"Artemis, I'm on my way to pick you up for the meeting," Gerald says then I hear a door slam in the background

"Okay, but what is this meeting for I don't remember?" I ask walking out of my closet and into my room to try and find Salem

"Drugs, remember we need a new drug supplier after you killed Fred and his children," he says

"Call me when your outside, later," I say hanging up the phone and walking down the stairs just to walk into Lorenzo

"Good morning Artemis," he says looking at me but I just walk away not in the mood for his shit

"Artemis don't be rude now," he says chuckling then I hear footsteps following me into the kitchen

"Morning Lorenzo," I say pushing past some of the maids to try and find something to eat in their fridge

"We eat breakfast as a family so breakfast won't be made anytime soon the maids aren't done cooking yet"

I groan and just grab a water bottle and walk into the living room to sit down

All these people in this house and they need maids to cook and clean for them.

"You look nice today, where are you going?" He ask sounding kind of interested in my life

"I'm going to buy something with my friend," I say, resisting the urge to ask him about my weapon

"Something bothering you?" He asks sitting down next to me

I look up at him taking a deep breath, about to say something but my phone lights up with a text from Gerald

"Bye Lorenzo," I say getting up and walking over to the door about to open it "Can I have your number to call you or text because we are having..." before he can finish his sentence I grab a piece of paper from inside my blazer and slam it onto the coffee table.

Gosh anything else this man wants from me? I was having an alright morning, first I'm hungry and can't eat and then he bothers me. Like damn nothing goes my way

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