Chapter 42: "Nick"

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Artemis POV

Once the light in the lab went out, I went to reach for my gun just to realize I left it over by Mika's chair.

Fuck. One damn rule, one rule and I broke it. Never leave your weapon unattended on a mission.

"Little devil, how I thought I'd never see you back here again... well not at your own will at least" an uncomfortably familiar voice rings through the room

"Nick" I mumble. The lights then flick back on and I see Mika standing in front of Nick with my gun pressed against her head

"What do you American's say?"

"Oh right. Long time no see" he chuckles to himself "It would be so sad if I just killed your friend with your own gun, now wouldn't it?"

"Come on Nick, Igor said we aren't here to kill anyone" at the sound of another uncomfortably familiar voice behind me, I quickly turn around and see Ivan standing in the corner with a knife to Emma's throat

"Ivan" I say calmly. Too calm because he cocks his head to the side and presses the knife deeper into her throat

"Your extremely calm little devil, should we tense up the mood?" He sarcastically ask

"Ivan, you hypocritical little сука" Nick cackles

"Come on, wouldn't you like to see the famous little devil crack?" Ivan ask, tilting his head down to Emma's ear. I see his mouth begin to move and she shivers as he holds eye contact with me

A loud thud behind me followed by a gasp breaks our little staring contest. I turn my head to the side and see Adrianna's body on the floor shaking with red goo dripping from her nose


"Aww, is the little devil conflicted on what to do?" Ivan taunts

"Here let me help you" he gets low to the ground then slides over the knife he was holding to Emma's neck. I stop the knife with my foot and scoff

"I am not killing her"

"Did I say to kill her. No, I didn't. Slit open her forearm and pour the serum inside the slit" I slowly reach down and grab the knife from underneath my heel then grab Adrianna's arm. She stills shakes as I gently graze the knife across her arm

"Your little сука мальчик over there should go get the serum before you cut into her" Nick speaks up. I peak over at Colin while nodding my head

"Okay" he mumbles, walking over to the laboratory table. He looks over at Nick waiting for him to say something about which bottle of serum to pick

"Oh, I will let your boss tell you which one"

I look down at Adrianna as I no longer feel her shaking beneath me. Fuck, the moment I need to remember this shit I forget it


'What are you going to tell her family?'


'She's dying and you can't even save her'


'Quiet, I am trying to think.'

(Seven years ago)

"She needs the serum. We're losing her" Nick's faint voice fills the room I lay in

"It's killing her" his voice sounds closer and a little bit stronger this time

"Hey little devil" two powerful hands pull me up off the cold concrete floor and sits me up on the brick wall "Drink this" Nick hands me a small bottle with black liquid in it, I reach out and take the small bottle with my cold numb hands

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