Chapter 58: Everything goes according to plan

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Ivan POV

Since Anastasia and Alana left the room, Igor has just been silent. They left fifteen minutes ago and he's been silent since.

The look on his face tells me he's thinking of a new part of the plan. Unfortunately because of Anastasia, Artemis may or may not be going into hiding therefore the rest of the plan cannot be continued

"We'll need an informant," he says, finally speaking

"We had one, it didn't go well," I say

Adam was a good thing. He helped us when we needed it... sad that I had to kill him

"Artemis might be going into hiding, so having an informant will help us. They will give us so much information that we won't know what to do with it" Igor says

"We just have to find the perfect candidate" he grins

"What about someone in her inner circle?" I suggest

He thinks about it for a moment before sighing "They'd rather die than betray her. We need someone with something to lose, someone with a husband or wife, someone with kids. We need someone who would rather help us than lose everything"

Igor looks behind me and points at something

I turn around to see him pointing at Ruby, who is sitting in the seat Anastasia was in while staring at her phone. She looks up, probably at the feel of eyes on her

"What did I do now?" She scoffs

"Oh you did nothing... yet" she scrunches her eyebrows

"Find someone close to Artemis"

"Close like Gerald or Mika?" She asks

"No, close like in her mafia but still in her inner circle with something to lose. And don't argue, just do as you told" she sighs, knowing it's no use arguing or getting upset

"I'll do it and get back to you" She gets up from the chair to leave

"You and Ivan will be sharing a room since you are to be wed" My eyes are hidden as are Ruby's

"You will move into his room because yours is to детский"

"Fine" she stomps out

Share a room with Ruby?

Why in the hell do I have to do that?

Some married people have separate rooms. Some even go as far as having separate homes

"Also I expect a grandchild in a year or two" I choked on the air that was trying to reach my lungs, at the absurd words that just fell off his tongue

"G-Grandchild?!" I stutter

"Yes, kids. Preferably three or four" he says with a big smile


Kids... he wants me to get his daughter pregnant with lots of kids

I clear my throat "Okay"

I have to do whatever he wants to keep him happy. If it's grandchildren he wants grandchildren he'll get

"What about Alana and Anastasia?" I ask

There's no way he only wants children from Ruby

"Well yes, I want children from all of mine. I will have to find Anastasia another husband as she killed her last one, I have someone in line for Alana, and Nick... well he's dead. I had an adoptive son but he's dead too" Igor says

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