Chapter 33: Watch and Pay

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Artemis POV

"So, training wasn't a bust after all" Mike says as we walk into my office all sweaty. Well I am the only one whose not

"How are you not sweating?" Mike shockingly asked

"I don't sweat" I say and all of a sudden I hear a loud gasp

I quickly turn around to see Mike with his mouth dramatically hung open.

"What?" I ask, making my top lip twitch up

He frowns "How can you not sweat, everyone human sweats"

I roll my eyes "Welp, I'm not human"

I walk over to my desk and grab my keys and my phone

"I am going home to shower then I'm going to stop by the office and I'll be at your house Gerald" I walk away from my desk towards my office door

"Oh, can I come?" Mike ask

Why is he like such an annoying child who isn't yours but just likes being around you? He also acts like an object that you love and you just can't seem to let go of

"Yeah. I'll see you soon Gerald" walking out of my office with Mike following in pursuit

"I've never met your family before" he says, I stop dead in my track, turn around and look at him

"You literally met them yesterday or the day before, I can't remember but you met them" I say while rubbing my head

I think my days are starting to bunch up together and form one horrendously long one.

He frowns "Oh okay" and we continue walking

Once we are outside of the warehouse, I unlock my car and Mike goes to hop in the drive side but I quickly stop him.

"What are you doing?"

"Driving?" He says but in a questionable way

I think when I dropped kicked him he might've hit his head because he is acting way dumber than usual

"You okay?" I ask

"Of course" he says then starts manically laughing while backing away from the driver side

His behavior reminds me of when Igor locked me in a room with someone he gave the blood thrust drug to and forced me to kill. Mike is now walking over to me and God I hope I don't have to kill him

"I'm just playing Artemis, I wanted you to think there was something wrong and feel bad for drop kicking me" he says, then runs over to the passenger side and hops in

Okay, maybe it was just me imagining him acted weird or maybe he did just want to trick me. Whatever it was, I don't know what's happening or why its happening

I take a deep breath before getting into the driver side and putting on my seatbelt. I don't say anything to Mike, I just glaze over at him to make sure he has his seatbelt on and when I see that he does, I start up my car and pull out of the parking lot onto the street.

Mike better have just been playing a joke on me because I honestly don't think he's okay

Twenty Minutes Later:

I pull into the driveway of my home and then begin getting out of my car

"So" I side eye Mike in the passenger seat who seems to have something else to say

"I'm sorry I scared you, okay. I swear it was just a little jokey joke"

"Okay" I mumble and get out of the car, Mike gets out too before I lock my car and we both walk into the house

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