Chapter 51: "The underworld is starting to talk about his death"

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Artemis POV

God, what did I do? I ask myself after recent events of last night play over in my head

Adrianna and I had sex and when I woke up this morning in bed with her, I couldn't help but think about what would happen if I just let my feelings take full control.

I mean if I do really have feelings for her, that is

Just looking at her face as the sun shined on her, made me start thinking of what we could be but I quickly realized what I was doing and left her to go home to get ready for work.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the phone on my desk ringing.

Other new thing, Gerald added in my absence... a desk phone

Clearing my throat before answering "Hello?"

"Ma'am, Miss. Noah is here to see you" Eleanor's voice rings through the phone

"Let her up," I say, hanging up the phone

Soon, my office door opens up and I look up to see Mika walking in wearing a black tracksuit with matching black Prada sunglasses

"Stay outside!" She turns around, yelling at two guards walking closely behind her

"Ugh," she sighs, slamming the door shut and then walking over to the chairs in front of my desk. Once seated she takes off her sunglasses and God, her eyes are bloodshot red

"What happened to you?" I chuckle

"Last night's party was crazy. Two fights broke out, me the drunk party planner trying to stop it because my chaperones were nowhere to be found" she says, eyeing me

"Who are the guards outside?" I ask, quickly changing the subject

"Pauly and Adair, Gerald switched out my old guards once I started leaving the house more," she says, grabbing my cup of now cold tea and drinking it

"Why did he switch out your guards?" I ask

"I'm not sure, he upped everyone's security. There were guards at the party"

"I noticed" I mumble

First, he goes behind my back to have secret meetings with the German mafia, now he's going behind my back upping security

"By the way, is he here? He isn't home neither is Salem"

"No he isn't here, I've been here since five this morning"

"Okay, well I'm going to go get food and I'll see you back at home" She gets up out of her seat and walks over the the door

"I love you," she says

"Love you too" With that she leaves with her two guards following closely behind her

I reach across my desk grabbing the phone to call Eleanor

"Hello, ma'am" she answers, sounding as cheerful as always

"Has Gerald been in at all?"

"No ma'am, he hasn't been here lately. He's only been here for meetings with Mr. and Mrs. Sage"

"Okay Eleanor, thank you" I hang up the phone while gathering up all my things

There is one place that I know he should be, if he isn't there then he is going to receive a very angry phone call.

I grabbed my black blazer along with my Chanel bag and car keys before heading out.

My two guards remain the same; Mike and Miles or so I'm assuming. Gerald has yet to touch my guards or maybe he already has, I just haven't been paying all that much attention

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