Chapter 8: Trip

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Artemis Pov

"Artemis" I hear Marco say in a singing tone "Ugh" I groan rolling over and pulling a pillow over my face

"Artemis" I hear emerald also say in a singing tone

"What?" I ask slowly opening my eyes and looking up at both of them

"Your phone is ringing" Marco whispers

"Fuck off," I say rolling over and grabbing my phone and reading my messages 'Artemis the pilot says the plane won't be ready until an hour' from Gerald, I text back 'well tell him I said fuck that I am not riding on a public plane and get his shit together now!'.

Then I open up a message from Mika 'hey good morning beautiful, I was just texting to make sure you come to pick me up so we can drive to the plane hanger' she says I text back 'good morning and yes I'll make sure to pick you up.' After responding to both of their messages I look up both Macro and Emerald

"Thank you for waking me, now leave," I say getting out my bed and about to walk into my bathroom to shower

"Wait, let us pick out your outfit," Emerald says with a pleading look, I motion for them to go at it and just walk into the bathroom making sure to lock the door behind me

Taking off my clothes I get in and take a quick shower because I woke up late.

When I'm down I wrap my towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom to see Marco holding a black lacy top with a white blazer and emerald holding white pants with a pair of white heels.

"No, I want a casual outfit," I say walking past them and into my closet

"You don't have casual clothes, Artemis so just wear this" emerald says following me into my closet and pointing at all of my workout clothes and suits I sign knowing I need more normal clothes

I hold my hand out then she puts the outfit in my hand and walks out, putting on the clothes I walk towards a mirror in my closet and just stare at myself.

'Mascara, and jewelry'

'Yes Deianira'

Walking out of my closet to see Marco pulling out a suitcase from underneath my bed "We are going to help you pack" Emerald says walking back into my closet and grabbing some suits

"Not too much, I'm going shopping out there too," I say while putting on some earrings and mascara

Then I hear a knock at my door "Open" I yell still walking around my room trying to grab my charger to throw into my suitcase. Then Luca walks in with Salem following him "Are you taking Salem?" Luca asks looking down at Salem

"I was but you don't look like you want me to take him," I say smiling a little

'Growing real close with this family, stop wanting to love them'

'It'll be nice to have a family Deianira'

'Will it? They'll just use you as Ruby used you'

I take a deep breath and look at Luca who was looking at me with a concerned look "You zoned out, but I would like to watch Salem if that's ok" I nod my head and watch as they walk out of my room

Marco looks at me with three pill bottles in his hands "yes, but hand me the yellow bottle" he throws it at me and I catch it then I walk back into my bathroom to take my pills before a headache starts

"Bag is packed" Marco and Emerald both say then I hear clapping and walking out of my bathroom I see Marco rolling my suitcase out of my room

"Emerald do you like Marco?" I ask grabbing my phone and then following him out

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