Chapter 36: Keep it Professional 

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Artemis POV

I sit at Gerald's kitchen island in his penthouse, in some black jeans and a white plain T-shirt. Mike is sitting on Gerald's couch just staring at his phone, unfortunately The Daily News has already posted and talked about the incident and now Mike is quiet and won't stop staring at his phone

Gerald is in his room taking a shower, whilst Salem is running around.

"Mike" I call out and get no response

"Mike" I call out again and still no response

So I whistle to grab Salem's attention and point at Mike's phone. Salem wags his tail in excitement then runs over to Mike and grabs his phone out his hand with his mouth

"Good boy" I say once he hands it to me

"Artemis come on" Mike groans, I roll my eyes while turning off his phone

"The Daily News people have nothing better to do than post about people's lives. You were just doing your job, you were just protecting me. You will not get bashed about that on my watch, I'll speak on it tomorrow"

"Artemis, no people will then bash you. It's okay I can take it" He says, getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen with me

He reaches for his phone but I smack his hand away "You cannot take it, your sitting there running through all the things you could've done differently. I can take getting bashed by all these nobodies, I can take it Mike. You are a sweetheart and sweethearts can't take these type of things"

"Artemis" he says trying to grab his phone again

"I'll break your wrist the next time you try it" he sighs before taking a seat next to me

"Are you not worried?"

"Worried about what?" I ask, turning to face him

"About these people bashing you and who you have working for you"

"I don't care about them and their opinion" I say, rolling my eyes

The Daily News aren't even going to show and or tell the hole story. They're just gossiping because it gets them paid, I mean you gotta do what you gotta do if it gets you paid

"Have y'all even looked at the comments?" Gerald ask, as he walks out of his bedroom

I turn from Mike over to see Gerald walking over to us with his laptop in hand. He sets down his laptop while it's on the post about Mike, the paparazzi guy, his broken camera, and me staring at the situation in shock. Of course they got me in the shot

"User fuckyourbitch said: have you ever thought to consider that the paparazzi don't know what personal space is. They were practically all up on her" Mike reads aloud

"User eatassforfun said: the paparazzi guy deserved to have his camera broken, so good for Mike. Artemis has good people working for her" I read aloud

"User beautifulkitty said: never mind the broken camera and shit, we need to talk about how good Artemis looks, like hello Mother" Gerald reads aloud, we all chuckle at that comment. It was true though I did look good

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