Chapter 46: Hobby

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Adrianna POV

School, school, school. The most boring thing on earth. I went on a dangerous mission two months ago and I just had to come back to resume my boring school life like nothing ever happened.

"I'm leaving!" I yell, running downstairs while carrying my backpack

"Where?" I hear Mom ask from downstairs

Maybe I should just run back upstairs, hide my backpack, and skip school today. It's not like I'd miss anything important or like my parents would care or notice but I know Shawn is skipping school therefore I can't skip school.

"School" I yell back, sighing

"Okay, make sure you're on time for the meeting please, we can't be late"

Our meeting with Gerald. Hopefully, Artemis will be there this time, I haven't seen her in two months.

After the mission and after several visits to the hospital, our contact has lessened. I see her friend at school, her friend doesn't talk to me much but I see her.

I also see Marco at school, I'm not sure what's going on with him anymore. He doesn't talk to me much or even look at me. His family cut ties with mine, I guess we aren't friends anymore. I never thought I'd see the day

"How do you feel?" Mom ask

She means "How is your mind? You know because you got poisoned by the Russian mafia's fog and died then got brought back and I can't have a psycho daughter running loose on the streets acting like a wild animal because of this poisonous fog"

"I'm fine Mom" I wish she'd stop asking the same questions every single day. It's getting pretty annoying

"That's good" She pulls me into a hug before handing me money for lunch

"Mom, I can pay for my lunch"

"I know but just take it"

"Okay. Love you bye" I pull away from our hug and walk over to the front door with my car keys in hand

"Wait for me!" Shawn yells from upstairs, his yell is followed by heavy footsteps running downstairs

Damn it, he's going. I could've stayed home!

"Bye-bye, my babies" Mom hugs and kisses Shawn on the cheek before pushing him to the door

"Have a good day" We walk out of the house, over to my car when Shawn sighs

"You always wanna take your car"

"Yeah because I'm always driving. Your car is too low for me" he loves his stupid sports car that makes loud unnecessary noises and is very low to the ground

"Oh whatever," he says, still walking over to my car.

40 minutes later:

We are forty minutes late for school because he just had to stop for Starbucks, make a quick stop at Target, and go all the way back home because he forgot his phone.

Next time I swear he is driving himself to school. Now I missed assembly and first period because of him

As I make my way to my locker I see Ronan talking with Mika then she spots me and waves me over

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