Chapter 28: Taken

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Emma POV

"Mom, are you sure your not coming?" I ask, while walking downstairs with my suitcase

"Artemis doesn't like me. I want you to be safe, so go without me" she says while holding Matteo at the bottom of the stairs

She's not wrong... Artemis doesn't like her but she's obviously willing to put aside her differences just so she can come with

"Mom-" I begin to say but her phone rings

"Here" I set down my suitcase and take Matteo from her

"What?" She whispers while walking over to the kitchen

"Mama, hi" I look at my baby in my arms

How did I get so lucky with a gorgeous little son, a crazy and amazing family, and a mom who got clean for me and her grandson?

I look over into the kitchen and see mom whispering incoherent words

She looks a little upset and sad

"Mama" turning away from her and looking at Matteo in my arms

"Yes Teo?"

"I hungry"

"You want some fruit?" I ask, walking over to the kitchen

"I can't talk right now, my daughter is coming" mom quickly hangs up the phone and pushes it inside her pocket

"Can you cut up some fruit for Teo? I need to pack his stuff" she nods and gladly takes him from me

I begin to walk out of the kitchen but stop once I hear her mutter something in Russian to Matteo. I didn't know she knew Russian, I mean I never heard her speak it before.

I don't know Russian therefore I don't know what she said.

Well I guess there is no harm with knowing a different language. I continue walking out the kitchen and back upstairs.

I'm pretty glad that I'm finally going home, I've missed New York, I've missed the excitement of getting to watch Artemis and Gerald go on missions, I've missed Mika's annoying little attitude whenever Artemis asked her for something, I've missed everything about my home.

Walking a little bit down the hallway and over to Matteo's room, opening his door and turning on his light I see a duffel bag sitting in the middle of his room floor.

Maybe mom already packed his stuff... she should've told me, I wouldn't have came upstairs.

Turning around, about to walk out but something is telling me to check the bag, I don't know why but I turn back around and walk towards the bag.

Sitting down on my knees and pulling it open. Upon opening the bag I see Matteo's clothes with a small knife on top. Picking it up I examine it

This looks like a Russian mafia knife.

A while back Artemis forced me and Mika to examine knifes and then tell her which mafia they belong to... and this knife... this knife looks like it belongs to the Russian mafia

"Emma, the cab is here!" Mom yells upstairs

"Coming" I yell back

I throw the knife onto the floor and close his bag. Picking it up I stand up off the floor and leave his room in rush. Running downstairs I quickly place his duffel bag onto my suitcase and snatch him out of her arms

"You okay?" She ask

I quickly nod "I just don't want be late"

"Okay well Teo didn't eat his fruit. I don't know why, I cut up his favorite" she rants

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