Chapter 57: "How dare you!"

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Ivan POV

I sit, patiently waiting for Igor to finish his phone call.

I have rather good news that he'd love to hear.

"Ivan, what do you need?" Igor asked, taking his desk phone from his ear

"I have good news" I smirk

"Can it wait?" He asked. I shake my head, my smirk never leaving my face

"Bring everyone in here, I need to finish this call" he waves me off while putting the phone back to his ear

Rude. Just like his children

I get up from my chair and walk out of his study. Across the hall from his study is a small library, the light to the library is on and the door is slightly open

Walking up to it and pushing it open, I see Mrs. Nikolaev sitting in a chair, reading. Just when I go to walk out she looks up from her book and smiles

"Oh, Ivan. Come sit"

"I have some things to do," I say, trying to walk away but she tsk

"My husband keeps you busy. I can't even talk to the man who is to marry my daughter" she pauses closing her book

"Come sit," she says, more sternly

I suck in a breath before waking inside and taking a seat in an empty chair next to her

"How are you, Ivan?" She asks

"I'm fine," I say, clearing my throat as her sharp eyes stare at me

"What does my husband have you doing all the time?"

"Simple task" I mumble

"There is no need to lie. I know he's still obsessed with that girl" she says with disgust

I guess the hate that Anastasia has for Artemis, she shares with her mother

"Your wrong, I don't hate that girl. I feel terrible for that girl because of what my husband has done to her"

Saying your thoughts aloud now Ivan? Get a fucking grip

Feeling bad for Artemis? Really? I look at her confusedly

"Don't act dumb Ivan, just because I love my husband doesn't mean I agree with what he's doing." She sets aside the book she was reading and crosses her legs

"Is that why you're not involved in this process?" I ask

"Yes, I do not want to be involved in something I don't agree with. My husband knows this, that's why he never asked me to get involved"

That's interesting. My mother always did whatever my father asked of her, no matter how she felt about it

"Мама?" We both turn our heads to find Ruby standing in the doorway

"Мой ребенок!" Mrs. Nikolaev gasped. She gets out of her chair and quickly embraces her daughter

"Иван, это моя доченька. Она мое солнышко, ты позаботься о ней. Не важно что" she says, it sounds like she's talking to me but I have no idea what she just said

"Mama, he's not fluent" Ruby snickers

"Why not? He's Russian"

"He wasn't born here Father says"

I was born here but I just wasn't raised here. I was instead raised in Turkey. There is no need to correct her though

"Oh. I said "Ivan, this is my baby girl. She is my sunshine, you take care of her. No matter what" you should learn Russian, we will speak it a lot in this house. No one will want to translate all the time for you" She kisses Ruby on the cheek and then walks out

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