Chapter 21: Therapy Session

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Artemis POV

"Artemis" I hear Luce say while shaking me

"What?" I question

"You got school today" I slowly sit up in my bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes then look down at the foot of my bed and see Luca sitting there with a smile on his face

I roll my eyes at him and reach over to my nightstand to grab my phone. Looking at my phone I see that it is 9:00 a.m.

"Thank you for waking me Luca but I will not be attending school today. I have more important matters to attend to" I say and throw my covers off of me then get up out of my bed

"Well, you didn't go to school yesterday so you have to go today" Luca states. I look at him and see seriousness plastered on his face

"Well Luca, school is not my priority right now" I go to walk toward my bedroom but Luca steps in front of me

I tilt my head to the side and stare him down.

Everyone is trying me like I won't break them in two

"Mom and Dad just want you to go to school, that is one of their rules Artemis," Luca says, grabbing me by the shoulders

I wince in pain a little bit and he immediately removes his hands

"I'm so sorry, I forgot about that" I wave him off because I honestly forgot about it too

"I have places to be Luca. If I finish my business early then I'll make my way over to school, you can pass the message along to Ace and Thena" I say then walk past him and into my bathroom

This thing that happened in the park is messing with me a little. There may be a terrible possibility that the finger can be Emma's and that'll mean she's in horrible danger and if she is in horrible danger then Matteo is in horrible danger and I don't think I can live with myself if anything bad happens to the both of them.

I continue walking to my bathroom like nothing is wrong

When I'm in my bathroom I shut and lock the door. I press my back against it and take a couple of deep breaths then walk over to the shower and turn it on

"Let's hope for a better day than yesterday" I whisper to myself while feeling the water and making sure it's hot

Taking off my clothes I look in the mirror at my shoulder for a while before stepping into the shower and letting the hot water run all over my body

9:22 a.m.

Turning off the shower and stepping out, I grab one of the many towels that I have hanging up in my bathroom and wrap it around myself.

I walk over to my bathroom door and unlock it then pull it open. Looking around I see that Luca has left so I head over to my closet and pick out this strapless black leather shirt with a matching pair of black leather pants and a pair of red leather gloves.

Walking out of my closet I lay my outfit down on my very messy bed and walked back into my closet to pick out these black heels with a lovely red heart-shaped bag that Emma brought me for Valentine's Day. I walk out of my closet and into my room then gently set them down on the floor

"Pearls for earrings or small hoops?" I ask myself whilst walking over to my jewelry drawer


"Artemis you would look gorgeous with pearl earrings" I turn around and see Emma holding a pair of my pearl earrings that I haven't worn in ages

"Yes Emma thank you but I can't," I say while putting in my gold stud earrings instead

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