Chapter 6: One-night Stand

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Artemis POV

Don't play the song until I tell you to


"Wake up," Nick says then throwing a bucket of ice-cold water on me

"Oh my" I yell hopping up from the tiny bed in the small cell

"Good people have come to see our toy, so prepare for the time of your life little one," he says grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the room

I look around to see if I could make a run for it "No you don't little one" Nick says pulling me closer to him and then shoving me into a nearby wall

"Nick" I hear a new voice call out in a warning

"Hush Alana I wasn't going to do anything, I was just giving her a warning," Nick says dusting me off and then pushing me into a nearby room

"Get our guest sister, it's time for a show," Nick says throwing something at me and then shutting and locking the door

I stare at the thing he throws at me and sees it's a leather suit, so I put it on and stand in the middle of the room ready to get this over and done with

"Good little devil you put it on, next to me you'll see the men and women who came to see you in action," Igor says pointing at the people surrounding him

Then the door pulls open and I see Nick walk in with a syringe

"No Nick, please" I yell backing up and trying to get away just to bump into a wall

"Stop there's nowhere to go, little one" He grabs my neck and injects whatever was in the syringe into my neck

"Fuck" I yell dropping to my knees and grabbing the side of my neck

My skin feels like fire

*FlashBack Over*

I shot up from the bed and rub the side of my neck

"Damn it" I haven't had this dream in so long thought I'd be over it by now

I grab my phone to see it's only six in the morning, I look over and see Salem sitting by my room door holding his leash

"We'll go on a run," I say and he starts to wag his tail so I get off the bed and dig throw some boxes to find my running shorts and shoes... oh and a random sports bra

After I get dress I grab my headphones and then we walk out of the room almost bumping into somebody "Sorry" I say looking up to see this random lady with a rude look on her face

"Cover up we have men in this house," She says looking me up and down, I just roll my eyes and walk away with Salem following me

"Most of these men in this house are what like ten times my age so they should be able to keep it in their pants" I turn around and shout just to watch her drop whatever she was holding and turn around to look at me with disgust

I just chuckle and continue to walk away and down the stairs

"Good morning Artemis" I hear behind me just as I was about to reach for the doorknob

"Good morning Lorenzo," I say still facing the door

"It's only six in the morning, already got tired of us?" He asked chuckling then I hear footsteps and then they stop

"Not tired just going for a run," I say opening the door and letting Salem run outside first then I take off after him

I haven't felt that uncomfortable in a very long time but I guess it did no harm

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