Chapter 32: Training

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Artemis POV

Traffic in New York is outrageous, it took me an hour to get to the warehouse it usually only takes at least twenty minutes or so.

Once I walked inside the warehouse Gerald insulted my training outfit, I don't see the problem with it but he said it's so "basic and it's hurting my eyes".

Anyway, now we are inside the training room with two people standing in front of the room with blind folds on

"Why are they blind folded?" Gerald ask while walking over to me

"To learn to fight with their other senses when one is taken away" I say

He nods and watches them struggle with trying to fight one another

This is just embarrassing

"Maybe you should demonstrate" he suggest

"I can't, they have to be able to trust there own senses" I say

If they can't trust their own senses and instincts then they can not come on this mission. This is training but also for me to see who is capable of doing what and right now I see that none of them a capable of trusting themselves.

The two people in the front of the room continues to struggle and they eventually get tired and take off their blind fold

"Boss, why is this even necessary?" One of them ask

"Because it is. Do you not trust your senses?" I ask, tilting my head to the side

"I do" they both say simultaneously

"Good" I walk over to one of them and take the blind fold out of their hand then walk towards the front of the room

"Mike, take the blind fold" I say, pointing at him

He gulps before doing what I said then making his way towards the front of the room

"Now watch as I trust my other sense once one is taken" I put my blind fold on

This shouldn't be hard for me, Igor used to make me do this but he gave the other person an advantage.

I take a deep breath before getting into my fighting stance. Soon the hairs on the back of my neck start to stand up and a tingly sensation runs down my spine

I quickly turn around and reach out to grab Mike

"Wait, you didn't say we had to fight" he squeaked out once my hand was around his wrist

I smirked "Well, we have to fight" then twist his wrist behind his back

He groans but doesn't fight me off. I take that as my chance to kick the back of his knee but before I could do it his free hand wraps around my forearm and then throw me over his shoulder

I land hard onto the floor and groan in pain. Fucking hell, I said fight not break my back.

"I'm so sorry boss lady" Mike whispers

Rolling my eyes and taking another breath then kicking up off the floor, I quickly turn around and drop kick him. His body falls to the floor with a loud thud followed by a long string of cussing

"And that is how you trust your senses" I say, taking off my blind fold

"Can I go?" I look over and see Arlen holding her hand up all excited

I nod as she begins walking over to me, I hand her the blind fold then bend down to check on Mike

"My back hurts" he whines

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