Chapter 27: '𝘉𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭, 𝘸𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘭𝘦'

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Artemis POV

We are in the car leaving the airport to go back home to New York

Nothing ever goes my way, everything always has to be so difficult.

Adam was my most trusted tech guy and now he might be my mole... I just hope Miles and his little theory is wrong, I hope their is just a misunderstanding and Adam isn't my mole

"Artemis" Miles annoying voice pulls me out of my thoughts


"Your phone is ringing" I look at it to see Marco calling

I swipe the hang up button and flip it over

I'm just not in the mood for Ace and Thena's worries right now. I have enough to think and enough to worry about, I can't and don't want them to pile onto my shit load of things to worry about

Once I get my family back I'm going away for a while. Just me and them and maybe Adrianna if she wants to come. New York City needs to be in my rearview mirror or below me

I have no idea why I just causally suggested for Adrianna to come with

"Artemis" Miles annoying voice pulls me out of my thoughts again

"What?" I groan

He points at my phone while slowly and carefully petting Salem

I look down and flip my phone over to see Adrianna's name flashing on my screen. Sighing before grabbing it and answering

"Turn your music down" I say to the boys

And Miles quickly turns it down

"Hello?" Adrianna says

I put the phone to my ear

"Hello" I say back

I'm honestly not in the mood to talk or be bothered right now

"How are you?" She asks

"How are you?" I ask, completely ignoring her question

She pauses before saying "I'm good"

Now we are just sitting in a weird silence, the boys are all looking back and forth at one another like children

"Well... how was the hospital?"

"Fine, my friend wasn't there" I say

She hums into the phone and then once again it falls to a weird uncomfortable silence

In the background, I hear some whispering and a loud noise

"What happened?" I ask

"Sorry, it was my cousin. She walked into my room to try and show me this ugly baby" Adrianna groans softly

"Your at home?"

"No, I'm in Germany... unfortunately my mom and dad forced me to go."

"I'll call you back later, I'm a little busy at the moment. Have fun in Germany" I say

"Later gorgeous" Adrianna hangs up the phone and I put my phone facing down back onto the seat

"You never told us about your date" Mike points out

Miles looks at me with his mouth wide open

"You, Ms. Artemis Dawn Ferrari went on a date?" He gasps shockingly

"I thought you'd never date again after-" Gerald quickly reaches over and slaps his hand over his mouth

I cock my head to the side and stare at him

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