Chapter 25: "Fight me"

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Artemis POV

"Can we leave the hospital now?" I ask as we just sit parked in Gerald's car

"No we can't. Not until you promise that you won't go on a killing spree"

"Why do I need to promise?"

"When bad things happen you tend to lose sight of the real problem and focus on revenge then you get stuck in the killing part of your mind" He says, all while making very true but not needed points

"Fine I promise" I say then hold up my pinky

He does the same and link our pinky's together

So childish... I guess he doesn't have a point on me not needing to go on a killing spree

But once we find the person or people who are responsible then that promise goes out the window

Gerald starts up his car then slowly pulls out of the parking garage and onto the main road

I put on my seatbelt before his stupid car starts beeping

Wherever Emma and Matteo are, I will find them and bring them home safely

11:38 p.m.

Upon arriving at my mafia warehouse, I see two random boys standing in front of the entrance

"What in the hell?" I say while taking off my seatbelt

"Those look like children, Artemis. Play nice" Gerald says while also taking off his seatbelt and taking the keys out his car

I'll think about playing nice

I get out the car and slowly walk up to these boys

"Can I help you?" I ask

The two boys turn around with their hands in front of them shaking

"W-we're sorry but w-we n-need help" One of the boys said whilst the other is now crying

"Help with..." I stop myself from saying anything else once I noticed the Russian mafia mark on their neck

Fucking hell

I turn around to look at Gerald, just to see him standing a little farther away from me


"Give me a little minute" I say to the boys and walk over to Gerald

"Those boys have the Russian mafia mark on their neck." I say and hold out my hand for his gun because for once I left mine at home

Surprisingly he hurries up and hands it to me

I turn around and stare at the two stupid boys

"Artemis Ferrari, Igor and Ivan have a message for you"

Oh my fucking gosh, why are they still so obsessed with me

I wave the gun around waiting for them to continue

"We have what you hold most dear. Exchange yourself for them and we might just spare you"

They have Emma and Matteo?!!

I waste no time and raise the gun to their head

Wish I had another one

"Artemis don't kill them. We need more answers" Gerald yells

'Kill them!'

"You promised" He yells again, using my words against me like always


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