Chapter 43: Home at Last

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Artemis POV

Am I dead?

Did I make it?

"Don't run, I don't want to kill you"

"Of course, I will always come back for you"

"Stop fighting. Please"

"Gerald, I got her"

All hell is going to rain down on my world because I killed Nick Nikolaev

I jump up gasping for air as if someone tried to drown me

"She's awake!" I hear someone yell

I look around the room and see blue walls, white tile floors, thermometers and blood pressure monitors hooked on the walls. I then look down at myself, wires are stuck inside of me drawing in some strange liquid. I reach down to pull them out of me when an arm wraps around my wrist

"Hun, don't do that" I look at the person who grabbed me and yank my hand out of hers

"Where am I? Who are you?" I ask, my voice hoarse

"You are in the hospital and I am nurse Cali" she says

Nurse Cali then proceeds to push me back down on the bed while looking over at a large screen by my head "I need you to calm down. Your body just went through something traumatic and I don't want you to put anymore stress on yourself" she looks over to a man who I didn't even notice in here and says "Введение жидкостей внутривенно"

"W-what did you say?" I ask

"Pushing IV fluids" she says again but in English

"Да медсестра" am I going crazy or are they actually speaking Russian?

The male nurse walks over to nurse Cali with a syringe full of red gooey liquid.

No, I'm still in Russia?

"Get off of me!" I yell, pushing her hand off of my shoulder then pulling the wires out of my arm

"Stop" nurse Cali shouts at me as I begin running out the room once my feet hit the floor

"No fighting little devil?" I'm fighting now Ivan. Are you happy?

I run down the hallway of this so called hospital, taking every turn imaginable to try and find my away out of here

"Relax it isn't what you think" its never what I think. I thought they saved me, I thought Adrianna came back for me

"Artemis, what happened" I look up at the sound of a familiar voice

"Gerald? W-what are you doing here?" I ask, then at the sound of rapid heavy footsteps I grab his hand and start pulling him to run with me

"What's wrong Artemis?" He ask

"They tried to push some red gooey substance in me" I whisper trying to pull him away again but he just doesn't budge

"What are you doing Gerald? Run with me"

"Artemis, they aren't trying to hurt you." He tells me but he's lying. I know he's lying

"Run with me!" I say, getting upset with him

"How about we just sit down for a minute?" He calmly ask while beginning to lead me over to a seat

"Your working with them to hurt me" I push his hands off of me then turn around to run away from the nurses and him when I feel a prick on my neck. My eyes start to get heavy and my head begins spinning

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