Chapter 70: Family Death pt2

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Vanya POV

I should've just dropped her off and left right after. What was I thinking? Showing up at the compound that I hadn't been to since I was eleven

Now Navy is left with our angry uncle and all the questions that I know he'll have.

What the hell was I thinking? Ivan now knows my family is cartel. I just hope he doesn't tell Igor, or he'll surely have my head.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ivan asks, breaking the tense silence

Do I? "No, not really" I mutter, blinking away the tears that threaten to fall

"Family is complicated" Mine wasn't supposed to be. We were supposed to be an uncomplicated family that held no secrets... I mean, we were until my father cheated on my mom and had Navy. Even after his affair, we still weren't complicated. Navy and her mother lived their life whilst we lived ours

"I'm going to shut up now" he whispers

"Please don't tell Igor. If he knows that my family is cartel, he'll find them and kill them" and me but I don't care if I live or die

"Why would you ever think I'd tell" Ivan sounds offended, like he'd never do such a thing.
Whoever I think if Igor pushed him enough the words would fall as easily as they were heard

"I'm just saying. You can't tell" Even though we're best friends, I know where his loyalties lay. Igor will always be the one who holds and carries Ivan's loyalty.

"I won't. You have my word"

"Okay" The car ride back to the manor is going slowly since the car in front of us is going at least four miles per hour. I speed around them, hitting my brakes immediately after, once the tires roll over something causing all four to pop

"What the hell?!" I exclaim

"Did my tires just pop?!" Ivan burst out, going to unbuckle his seatbelt when a truck slammed in the back of us. Sending us both flying forward

Ugh, my head. I reach up, touching the side of my head and feeling a wet substance. I'm bleeding?

What's going on? "Vanya!" Ivan yells from outside the car "Run!" His voice rings throughout my head.

Run, why? There was nothing to run from and if there was, I was too dizzy to see

"Ivan, where are you?" my hands reach over to unbuckle the seatbelt but someone beats me to it

"Shh, everything will be just fine" the unknown voice whispers in my ear while pulling me from the car


"Shh, don't talk" My vision gets more and more blurred, as the unknown person speaks to me. It's like poison is dripping from every word he spews and that poison is filling the very air I breathe in.

"That's it, Vanya, shh. Let the darkness take you" But where's Ivan? I hope he's okay

As the darkness consumes me, I hear the unknown voice mutter something "Босс, где по пути два солдата."

The smell of iron. That's what wakes me from my unwanted sleep. The place I wake in is unfamiliar, drained blood stains the cement walls and floors

No windows for fresh air or light just a large door sitting on a wall with nothing but blood surrounding it.

"V-Vanya" a low mumble comes from the left of me

Is that... "Ivan?" I ask, slowly turning my head toward the voice

"Vanya, you're awake" he mumbles, sounding tired

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