Chapter 67: Battered and Bruised

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Artemis POV

Another day, another problem: that's what my brain thinks while walking inside the warehouse like it's the routine of all my problems when that's not the case. But what does it matter because here I am, once again, at the warehouse where I know some bullshit will happen once again

I walk into my office to see two files on my desk both labeled "Henry Nolan." Let's crack this open, shall we? Walking over to my desk and as soon as I take my seat the office door flies open

"Boss lady, you're in early!" Miles chirps, walking right in

"As are you" I sigh. He has no reason for coming in this early, it's six o'clock in the morning

"I wanted to finish going through all of Henry's texts so that's why I came in early. No one else is here but you and I" he says

"Okay," I nod. Without another word, he walks out and I flip open the first page of Arlen's file

"Henry Nolan, a recovering addict. He was addicted to methamphetamine, heroin, and many other drugs. Around two years ago, he married Franklin White, now Franklin Nolan. Unlike Henry, Franklin wasn't a drug addict, he worked for Igor Nikolaev as a private detective/investigator. ~ for more information read the first page of Miles's file."

Franklin, a private detective/investigator married to a recovering addict who's a detective. What an interesting pair

I grab Miles's file and flip to the first page "Franklin is Henry's first spouse. Saved in contacts as 'My Boy (insert red heart emoji)'. Their conversations aren't important, light sexual talk, not much work talk except mention of a meeting with the New York Police Department Higher-Ups. Franklin is seen in a few photos on Nolan's phone but not much. Nolan's photos consist of food, sunsets and rises, animals, and weapons. Deleted photos consist of inappropriate nude photos of what is presumed to be his husband."

The rest of the first page doesn't talk about much, just Nolan's different photo albums and text messages. It doesn't seem like he communicates with Igor much, just his lackey.

I flip to the next page that is labeled emails "The emails only date back to a few months ago, nothing from the previous years. The first email he ever got was work confirmation from Igor himself. Igor told him that he would be a go for working for him. The latest email was from Ivan and it came in earlier today (when you're reading this it'll be the next day) it contained a video of a younger Gerald Carter in what looks to be a cell with a tiny cot on the floor and a small bathroom. Younger Gerald is screaming whilst banging his head on the metal bars like a maniac" I pause after reading the finishing sentence.

"Miles!" I shout, closing the two files and standing up from my desk chair

Slamming the door up in walks Miles "Yes boss lady?!"

"Show me the video," I say, rounding my desk

"Okay" he mutters, walking in front of me towards the meeting room

Why would he call him a manic? I know that's probably what he looked like but knowing his past, he could've chosen better wording than "maniac."

The inside of the meeting room is a mess. Takeout bags are on the table and food containers are on the floor, chips and candy bags too. Some blankets and pillows are scattered around as well. It looks like someone had a sleepover in my meeting room and didn't even bother to clean up after themselves.

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