Chapter 37: Cancer

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Adrianna POV

"So..." Shawn ask, as we sit in the meeting room waiting for Artemis

Today is the day we meet with Artemis to go over the mission plan. The American mafia don and nine other people are here, not including his wife or three kids. Shawn is also here along with dad, mom, and six people from our mafia. Shawn is really only here to ogle at Artemis bodyguards.

I don't really want to be here, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm upset with Artemis but if you asked me why, I wouldn't be able to answer.

"What Shawn?" I ask, with an attitude

"You owe me a phone, that shit shattered" he says. Then doors are pulled open and in walks Artemis with five men dressed in black suit's standing on each side of her. She walks in wearing a black suit with black high heel boots, her hair straightened and you can tell she has a gun on her.

None of us have guns, or any weapon on us for that matter. We were all patted down before we were escorted inside her building

She looks sexy, powerful, and fierce. God, this just made me want her more

Her bodyguards shut the doors once they're all inside. Artemis begins walking over to the table but stops once she sees me, rolling her eyes and sighing before motioning two bodyguards over to her side as the rest stand off into the corners of the room.

I guess someone isn't happy to see me.

"Good morning, American and German mafia. I suppose you all know why your here, yes?" She ask and everyone nods

"Mr. Sage-" she pause, making eye contact with me "Why are you letting your child come on this mission?" She doesn't even acknowledge me by name

"Well because she asked to go" he states, gulping as her gaze switches from me to him

"Oh, and that's all it took for you to let her on this dangerous mission?" She chuckles to herself before turning from him to the American mafia don

I look over at dad to see him second guessing himself and he never does that.

"Mr. Blue, have your field nurses get up and step to the side please" Artemis ask him with such niceness

"What did you do Adrianna, they've met before and she's never been rude nor disrespectful towards him" Mom leans over ask me

I'm sitting in-between mom and Shawn, while dad is just sitting next to mom. The American mafia is sitting across from us at this very long table.

"I didn't do anything" I whisper back, well not that I can think of

May and Killian both stand up and step to the side.

"Thank you, I'll need to talk with you both when this is done. Miles will escort you to my office" one of the bodyguards next to her walks away, towards the door with May and Killian falling in pursuit

Artemis then turns back to me and my family

"Raise your hand if your a field nurse?" she ask and no one raises their hand

"Okay, raise your hand if you ever bungee jumped off a building?" She ask, and once again no one raises their hand

"Okay, raise your hand if you ever dangled off the side of a building?" She ask, one more time and again no one raises their hand

I've done some crazy ass things but not crazy like that

"What does your six people bring to the table, Mr. Sage?"

"Anything, anything you want them too. They are very fast learners" Dad says, standing up and motioning for the six other people to stand to

"We'll see" Artemis then motioning for the six people to walk over to Miles her bodyguard

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