Chapter 18: Meetings, Meetings and More Meetings.

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Artemis Pov

•7:30 a.m.•

I'm just now getting back home from my building and office. Taking off my shoes at the door and carrying them in my hands as I walk through the living room to get to the stairs

"About time your back" I hear Ace say

I look at the top of the stairs and see him just standing there and looking down at me

"Yeah, sorry had lots of work to do" I say then walk up the stairs

"Your not following the rules Artemis, we didn't give you much of them to follow" Ace says following me to my room

"I understand that but my work is much more important then your rules. Also I won't be attending school today, I have some very important meetings" I close my door once I seen that Ace walked away

I turn on my room light then throwing my shoes somewhere on my floor and throw my jacket on my bed

Walking into my closet I decide that I'll wear this black long sleeve turtle neck shirt with black leather pants and a tan blazer jacket and maybe some small gold hoop earrings.

Hearing my phone ring, I walk out my closet to answer it

"Hello" I answer

"Artemis, the American mafia canceled the meeting but they said they'll reschedule for later today" Gerald says and I sigh

"We really need this meeting but okay. What about Emma?"

"What about her Artemis? I told you yesterday that she said she won't come back" She's so fucking difficult

"Okay fine, do you know if Mika is coming to the meetings?" I ask while starting to undress and taking off my badges

"She's coming to the later ones. Also the German mafia requested a private meeting, the Italian mafia said they have to reschedule"

"Okay Gerald, send the driver please. I'll be ready in a hour" I hang up the phone then toss it on my bed and then I walk into my bathroom and run a nice hot shower

Getting into the shower, I wash my face and my body

Then I rinse off and wash my body again

•7:54 a.m.•

I get out the shower then quickly brush my teeth

Then I start to moisturize my body and put on deodorant. Afterwards I put on a white lacy bra with matching underwear

Putting on my pants and shirt then I put on my blazer, deciding to leave my hair in a afro. I skip right over and try to decide on mascara or fake eyelashes

"Mascara or fake eyelashes?" I ask myself while holding up both in front of me

"Mascara" I hear Emerald say behind me, turning around and seeing her standing in the middle of my room

Starting to put on my mascara and then after I'm done I walk back into my closet and pick out a pair of black high heels boots

"You look pretty, where are you going?" Emerald ask as I walk back out my clothes

"I have some meetings" I say then I walk out my room and down the hall to Luca's room

"Oh, what type of meeting?" She asked while following me down the hall

"Business meetings and mafia meetings. Now please stop following me" I say and Emerald still continues to follow me

Who knew having a big sister would be so annoying?

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