Chapter 35: Fashion Show

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Artemis POV

The Fashion show is today and let me tell you the Russo has been in shambles. Thena is yelling at everyone to hurry up and get ready, Ace is just sitting in the living room drink Crown Royal, the twins are sitting with Ace, Emerald isn't home, Luca and Marco are following me around the house. I'm not sure where Lorenzo is and I really don't care

"So you had a sleepover with the hunk of goodness?" Luca ask, referring to Gerald

"Yup" I say, walking upstairs to my room

"Cool, cool. Can you put in a good word for me?"

"You are to young for him" I mutter

Lord, give me the strength to deal with these people for the day

"No, I'm not to young. I'm twenty, your friend looks twenty one at least" I walk into my room and push the two of them out when they try to walk inside

"I need to get dressed and he's twenty not twenty one" I say, Luca smiles while nodding

"I'm going to ask him out then"

"Go for it kid" before he has the chance to say anything I shut my door and lock it

"My goodness" I sigh

"So" I look over at Gerald who's sitting on my bed

"Where y'all talking about me?" He ask with a smug smile

"Mind yours, thank you very much" I smile

"Your bed is extremely comfortable. I might just sleepover more often"

Yeah no, he is such a wild sleeper. I knew this before but it seemed to have left my mind. He tore me to piece, he kicked me, hit me in the head with his foot, and he was holding my leg like it was his pillow. So yeah, he's never sleeping over again

"I'm leaving to go home and get my suit. Text me the address and I'll see you there" he says, getting off my bed and putting on

"Bring Mike too" I suggest, even though I know he's not going to want to come but I need to apologize to him

"I'll try" he walks over to me and pulls me in a tight hug

"I love you kid"

"I love you too" he pulls away from the hug then opens my door

"Remember to wear dark green" he gives me a thumbs up before leaving

I'm alone once again. Walking into my closet and grabbing my black bag that holds my dark green velvet off the shoulder dress, if I wear it then I'd have to cover up my scars. The dark green dress has silk dark green gloves and a emerald diamond necklace with matching emerald earrings. I'll be wearing the dress with a pair of my favorite silver heels.

Everyone isn't dressed but somewhat are dressed so I begin taking off my pants and long silky t-shirt, leaving myself only in my bra and underwear.

Since my dress is off the shoulders then I'll have to wear a strapless bra. Taking off my bra and putting on a black strapless on then I begin putting on my dress.

This fashion is in Manhattan Center. I heard Emerald will be the lead model, not sure how true it is but that's neither here nor there.

Sixteen minutes later:

"So why are you covering these up?" Marco ask, while applying makeup to my back

"I just want to" I say and because every time I want to show my scars all I get are questions and questions and more questions

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