Chapter 62: Declan Blue

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Artemis POV

"Get out of my car," I say, pulling up to the Russo's front gate

"Can you go inside? I don't wanna walk all the way there!" Marco whines while rubbing his stomach

I bet their nice and stuffed like pigs. They spent almost a hundred dollars at the fucking café! How do you spend that much at a café?

"Get out! I have somewhere to be" I say, reaching over him and opening his door. Pointing to one of the guards to come pull him out

"Fine I'm going, no need to ask for help" he pushes the guard back while unbuckling his seatbelt

"If you're going to meet Mr. Blue please put in a good word for me!" Luca says, getting out of the car as well

Yeah, not going to happen

Once both of my car doors shut, I do a U-turn and drive down the hill, making a few left and right turns and then getting back on the highway towards the warehouse.

Finally piece at last. No more talkative people talking my ear off, no more asking questions, just silence.

I reach up towards my radio and turn up the volume just to see if any good music is playing but instead, I'm meant with news talks

"Have you heard of this new devastating scandal involving the world's very first teenage trillionaire?" Here we go again, nosey people talking about shit they don't understand

"No, Louise, I haven't"

"Well Star, I can't say any names for legal reasons. You know, I don't wanna get sued or anything but someone who works for this teenager murdered someone's child. Again for obvious reasons, I can't say the child's name either, there are many many articles written about this!" Stupid fucking people, if you're going to tell a story, tell it right. Gerald doesn't work for me, he works with me, and his family. And just because the Louise bitch didn't say my name doesn't mean I still can't sue her and her fucking news company.

I go to turn off the radio when I get an incoming call from Emerald. I sigh, knowing this cannot be good news that she's calling about

"Hello?" I answer

"There's a big big problem!" She says

"What happened now? Is Gerald not cooperating?" I ask, signing

Could he not just do this one thing?

"They have evidence. It's real proof, I don't think I have a chance of winning this" she mumbles


How could they have evidence if he didn't do it?

Wait... did he do it? Is that why they have evidence

"Artemis!" Emeralds calls out

"Go to my warehouse, we'll discuss things there," I say

This conversation can't be done over the phone

"Okay, I'm close by so I'll see you there" She hangs up, causing the radio to go back to the news talks before the people start talking I turn the radio off, leaving me stuck with my thoughts

Soon, I pull into the parking lot of my warehouse and walk inside with my phone in hand

"Hello ma'am, do you have a moment?" A boy with red hair bombards me as soon as I walk inside

"No, who are you?" I ask, looking up at him

"I'm Max, Gerald's assistant"

When did Gerald get an assistant? And why the hell is he here

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