Chapter 64: Plan in Motion

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Gerald POV

I sit in the interrogation room for the second day in a row. Wishing that all of this would be over already.

"Mr.Carter, your lawyer is running a bit late, would you be willing to start without her?" Detective Apsen asks. I sigh, nodding

What is taking her so long? She was supposed to be here thirty minute ago

"Would you like anything before we start?" he asks

"No thank you, we can just start" I say

"Alright then" he hits the record button on the little camera thats sitting at the right hand corner of the table.

I guess his partner wont be joinning us this time

"I want to go over your statment again" he says

I roll my eyes, upon getting agitated. He keeps asking to go over my statement, this has to be at least the third time he asked this...

But nonetheless, I straightend my back and cleared my throat before speaking "I had gotten back to New York around 11pm, I put gas in my car then went to my office to grab something since my assistant, Max Saint, had called me saying I had a letter waiting for me. Unfortunately, I never made it to the office to pick up my letter"

Detective Aspen looks at his laptop then pauses "Why where you never able to receive your letter?"

"I had gotten a notifcation while I was stopped at a red light" I say

"What was said notifcation about?"

"It was letting me know that there was a lot of movement on the front porch" he nods, typing on his laptop

"And was said movement the victim and your so call nephew?" I scoff, rolling my eyes once more

"No, said movement was not. It was the many police officers" he turns his laptop towards me and presses play on a video

"Are you sure it was the police officers?" he asks

I began watching this video of me? And Vivian on the porch, it shows me screaming in her face and pushing her inside the house. The video then ends there

"I'm going to ask the question again. Was the said movement that you had gotten a notifcation from, the victim and your nephew playing outside on the porch?"

"NO" I say, for what feels like the millionth time

"You seen them on the porch playing and having fun and you raced home because you didn't like them having fun, so you went home and yelled at Vivian, pushed her in the house and murder her"

"Thats not true!" I shout, swiping the laptop on the floor then standing up from my chair

"I didn't scream at her, I didnt push her into the house, and I didn't murder her! So stop saying that I did" I shout again

Aspen stands up from his chair as well "But you did Gerald, you did kill her. You stabbed five times, once in her left leg then again in her right leg so she couldn't run away from you. You stabbed her in the lower abdomen, stomach, and finally you put her out her misery and stabbed her in the throat. Not only hitting one important artery but two. You killed her all because you didn't like her playing with your nephew!" he shouts back at me

"You are a murder who will pay for their crimes!" he shouts again

The interrogation room is thrown open and in walks Detective Nolan, his partner, and Emerald, my lawyer.

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