Chapter 40: Russia Part 2

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Artemis POV

"Wake up!" someone screams in my ear. I then hit a hard surface

"For fucks sake. What the hell is wrong with you people" I mumble, still half asleep

"Artemis, it's time to go. Everyone is in the car, the plane is waiting for us" a clear view of Mike's hand pops in front of my face

Fuck. I grab his hand and he roughly yanks me up off the floors. I dust myself off then begin walking out of my office. Let's get this show on the road. Walking outside I get into the second black SUV that's lined up in front of the warehouse. Upon opening the door I see Gerald, Miles and Arlen all sitting comfortably inside

"Finally, sleeping beauty as raised" Arlen jokes, I roll my eyes and get inside while Mike does the same after I sat down

"I wasn't kissed by a prince. I had a peasant yell in my ear" I say, pointing of at Mike

Arlen starts chuckling like a maniac, Gerald starts wheezing, and Miles starts whispering laughing. I've never heard that before but he's doing it while pointing at Mike

"Fuck all of you. I'm no peasant, more like a knight in shiny armor" he says

They all laughing at him while I tap the drivers seat "Drive" and the driver roughly pulls off causing all of us to get thrown back into our seats

I lean my head against the window as everyone else talks amongst themselves

One Hour Later:

We arrived at my private airport. While everyone is loading up their luggage I'm standing outside, leaning up against the SUV, smoking. Mike begins walking past me and all of a sudden I remember the burner phones, so I blow out the smoke before grabbing his arm

"Did you get the burner phones?" I ask

"What burners?" He ask back, nervously

"I got them" Gerald yells while walking down the plane stairs. I look at him for a moment before letting Mike go

Good, we need them, especially going into Russia so they can't hack our phones. When Gerald finally reaches us, he takes my cigarette out my hand and takes a couple of puffs then stomps it out

"First off I wasn't done with that" I say while heading over to the plane steps

"Cigarettes are bad for your health!" Mike shouts after me

"Your bad for my health!" I shout back

Once I'm inside the plane I immediately walk over to a room but someone just had to ask a question, causing me to stop in my tracks and answer their stupid question

"Where are we going when we get to Russia?" Miles ask, I look over at him and he's sitting next to Arlen whose reading the mission plans

"To Navy's" I say and before he could ask who is Navy I walk away

Navy Marlowe: is an associate, she has a lot with nothing but untraceable helicopters and when we touch down in Russia we need something untraceable so we aren't detected by Igor or Ivan.

Arlen has more untraceable devices, hopefully Gerald reminded her to put some on the airplane while I was asleep and when we touch down at Navy's lot she will put some of those devices on the helicopters that we will be taking.

I would sit here and say I trust Navy to have helicopters that can't and wont be detected by Igor or Ivan but I don't want to lie, she has nothing but Russian blood so I don't wish to try and trust her just for her to betray me.

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