Chapter 55: Another fucking Problem

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Artemis POV

I don't know what to say.

I've never been so speechless.

I've never been so sorry.

We arrived at the hospital twenty minutes ago. The parents of the babysitter, Vivian James, were sitting outside her room sitting in silence.

As soon as her mother saw me she balled her eyes out, her father was just comforting her mother.

I was confused as to why she cried on site but once I found out the reason it broke my heart. She cried because her daughter was taken away from her, she cried because her daughter was the light of her life and she was taken from her, and it broke my heart.

She didn't get much words out but her husband did though, her husband talked because her words were incoherent

The only thing coming from her mouth was heart wrenching sobs

"I'm beyond sorry" I say, grabbing the mothers hands

Her gentle hands squeezed mine "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault" her husband wipes away her tears while rubbing her back

"If you'd like, you could see her one last time" she chokes out

I feel a hand touch my shoulder, I look to the side of me and see Mika standing there. I nod, knowing what she was going to say

Her and Emma walk into the room where Vivian lays

"Mike, do you happen to have a checkbook?" I ask, letting go of the mothers hands


"Please go get it"

"Alright" he says, walking away

"Please no, we don't want your money. Seeing you here is enough"

"It's the least I can do, playing for the medical expenses and the funeral expenses" I say

After all, my enemies is the reason they lost their daughter

"I see why Vivian looked up to you" her husband says, putting his hand on top of his wife's

Me, someone role model?

"Here" Mike gently puts the checkbook and pen in my hand

I stand up from my crouching position and begin writing the check.

I don't know how much to give someone who lost their child because of me

Is one hundred thousand good?

Maybe two hundred thousand is better?

Or even three hundred thousand is more likely to cover everything?

I just finish writing the check and I make out the payment for one million dollars. That's is more than enough to cover hospital bills and the funeral cost, they will even have money left over to do whatever they please with.

Once I'm done writing their check, I hand it over to the father of Vivian

After looking at the check, he gasp "This is to much, please we can't expect this" he shows is wife the check and she gasp as well

"Ms, Ferrari we cannot expect this" I grab her hands looking at her tear stained face

"Please do me a favor and take the money. It is the least I could do for causing your pain" her and her husband exchange a few looks before nodding

"We will expect your money" I nod happily

I let go of her hands once Mika and Emma walk out of her room, both of them are crying and holding onto each other

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