Chapter 60: A deal

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Artemis POV

A plan

I need to come up with a plan but all I find myself doing is watching the news. They're talking about Gerald, saying what he did was monstrous and evil. They even brought me into the conversation.

'They're just talking about things they don't understand'

I don't even understand myself. He was trying to explain but then he got dragged away by the police

A loud knock is banged on the door pulling me out of my thoughts

"It's open" I yell, pausing the TV and crossing my legs on the bed as the door opens

"Your back!" Marco shouts, running into the room

"I can't believe you're back!" He hugs me tightly

"God, I've missed you" he whispers

I slowly wrap my arms around him.

I won't lie, I've missed him too...

"I came home as fast I could. My friends wanted to hang out longer but I had to tell them that my sister was back home" he smiles, pulling away from the hug. He sits down in front of me just staring like at some point I'll disappear

"I'm not back," I say, his smile drops

"I just came to clear my head" Obviously it didn't work, I'm still overthinking about the situation

"Why, what happened?"

"Gerald got arrested" I mumble

Marco gasped "Really? This week has been awful, my friend was murdered and now Gerald has been arrested. What the hell is going on?"

Then he gasped again "Does that mean your mafia has been discovered? Does that mean you have to go into hiding?"

All his questions, he remembers me of Mike with all the unnecessary questions

"I'm sorry that your friend was murdered," I say, changing the subject

I don't want to drop the bomb yet, I need to come up with a plan first

"Yeah, Vivian was a rockstar, very smart, very loving. I'm going to miss her."

"Vivian James was your friend?" I shockingly ask

Fuck! Once he finds out that Gerald "murdered" her, he's going to be heartbroken

"Yeah. Do you know her?"

"She was Matteo's babysitter"

"Oh-" he stops as Lorenzo walks into the room

"Artemis, people are here for you," Lorenzo says

"People?" I ask, getting up from my bed

"Yes, some friends of yours," he says, walking away

"Oh! Lorenzo has gotten nicer since you've been gone. A lot has changed, we have much catching up to do" Marco stands up from the bed, following me as I walk downstairs

"Maybe we can go for lunch and talk" he suggests

"I'll be busy for a while. I need to get Gerald out of jail" I shut him quicker than intended but he should understand, that Gerald needs my undivided attention now more than ever

Once we reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Arlen and Miles sitting on the couch with Emerald, Luca, Xavier, and Xander

"We've been all over the city searching for you. Miles thought that you'd be here if not anywhere else" Arlen says, getting up off the couch

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