Chapter 12: Life

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Ruby Pov

"Ruby" I hear Alana say knocking on the door "Father wants to see you in his study" after she says that I don't hear her anymore.

I sigh and roll off my bed, getting up I walk into the bathroom to splash ice cold water on my face and look at myself in the mirror "Let's just get this over with" I say to myself then walk out my room and down the hall to my fathers study

Opening the door I see my father sitting down with Ivan "Ruby come here" I close the door and walk over to my father

"Look what I did to your American friends" he says then shows me his laptop and plays a video of Artemis standing with her hands up as my fathers friend pushes a gun into Mika's head "Father!" I yell then slam his laptop shut

"What is wrong with you?" I ask and he slowly stands up and looks at me

I gulp and start to back away from him but I feel arms wrap around me, I look back and see Ivan holding me in place "Как ты смеешь кричать на меня в моем кабинете!" He yells at me and I know I'm going to get hit now because he yelled at me in Russian

And he slaps me across the face twice "Get out" he says then sits back at his desk, I push Ivan way from me then walk out his study and over to my room

Opening my room door I walk in and close it behind me then lock it. Walking into my bathroom I look at my face in the mirror and see a bright red hand print on my cheek "Всегда бывает" I whisper to myself then touch my cheek only for it to sting

I reach over to my makeup that's always sitting on my bathroom sink and start applying it to my cheek, after I'm down I walk into my room and grab my phone to text Artemis

'Hey I know you most definitely know what I did and I'm so so sorry Artemis but you have to believe me I didn't want to do it I just had to. I know you'll never forgive me but I need to know that your alive please text me back or call me. Bye'

I throw my phone on my bed and just look up at the ceiling.

Why is this my life I wish my mother never married this awful man, I know me and my siblings would have never been born but that's okay because I wouldn't want to be here away but gosh she had some many chances to leave him but she never did, I will never understand why she let him beat her children and do other things to other peoples children.

Getting pulled out my thoughts by a knock on the door, I walk over to it and pull my door open to see Alana standing at the door with a worried look

"I know what you did Ruby" she says looking down the hall then pushing me into my room and walking in herself then she closes the door behind her

"What did I do now?" I ask rolling my eyes and sitting on my bed

"You texted your American friend, are you trying to die?" I was about to denied it but she gave me this knowing look "It's fine she's won't answer anyway" I sigh and a tear slowly rolls down my cheek

"любимая it's okay" Alana pulls me into me tight hug and she start

"No it's not, I ruined our years of amazing friendship all for father" I say sniffing and pushing away from her

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