Chapter 34: Duty

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Artemis POV

I explained to Mike what the watch and pay is and now he's back to pacing and I'm sitting on my bed dressed in a white turtleneck with black dress pants

"Mike, can you please sit down. You making me sick just watching you"

"How can you be so calm? Their on a death list!" He says, still pacing around

"I'm calm because I have a job to do, I'm calm because if I think or start to worry more than I already am then I'll rush my people off into Russia without anymore training or preparation. I know what needs to be done Mike and you should too, we'll get them if that's the last thing I do." I say, getting up off my bed to grab him by the shoulders

I look him in his worried eyes "I need you to calm down and call Gerald, tell him to come here. We need to discuss what to do"

He closes his eyes and a tear slides down

"I can't lose Mika or you or Gerald, I've lost everyone I've ever came in contact with. I can't lose anyone eyes" he cries

Mike lost his mother and father in a car wreck. I found him killing the people who were responsible in an alleyway when me and Gerald were out on a little mission, I guess you can say he was on a mission too but I'm glad we found him because he was covered in blood and a sobbing mess.

"I know Mike, I know. They'll be home soon, I promise" I say, pulling him into a tight hug

"You can't promise something like that" he cries into my shoulder

He's right I can't but I'll try, I'll try my best to uphold my promise.

"Can you call Gerald for me? I'm going to go downstairs and get you some water and food" I say, gently pushing him off of me but he doesn't let me go

"Mike" I whisper and he slowly pulls away after a deep breath

"I'll call Gerald" he whispers, taking out his phone from his pocket and doing so

I walk out of my room and begin walking downstairs when I hear loud muffled moans

"Yeah, you like that?" I hear but I just can't tell whose voice it was

The curiousness in me wants to go investigate, the nosiness is very much saying the same thing but I'm to disgusted to see or think about who it might be

"Yuh, fuck me harder" yeah, no

I rush downstairs not wanting to hear anymore when I see Luca, the twins, Emerald, and Marco sitting in the living with pillows over their heads. Lorenzo is nowhere to be found, maybe he left with Oak or maybe he's in his room. Walking over to Marco and tapping him on the shoulder, he removes the pillow and smiles at me

"Hey sister, how are you?"

"I've been better. How are you?"

"Not to shabby if I do say so myself" He says, fluffing up the pillow that was just over his head

"Whose fucking upstairs?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me

"Who do you think" he shrieks "Lorenzo and Oak left because of the moaning, groaning, and screaming"

"Oh my is it Alessandro and Nora?" I shriek in horror of the possibility

They are like what, seventy and doing the do

"No, Alessandro and the others are on the fifth floor and Nora is with the little babies. The rest are out running around and wreaking havoc"

"Oh no, so it's Ace and Thena" I say, gagging

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